What is Passive Real Estate Investing?


Passive real estate investing is a way to invest in real estate to augment income considerably well without having to necessarily stress out one’s self. You are not actively involved in generating profits or income from real estate; you are a passive investor.

  • Passive real estate investing is when you hire or contract a real estate company to help you in finding and manage investment properties for you.
  • Also, passive real estate investing is defined as a process where investors contribute to real estate-related mutual funds and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).  This reduces the burden of running about to find properties and who to sell them for. You hire the firms to get the work done for you and then you pay them after the whole process.

‍There’s more to real estate investing than just buying distressed properties and flipping them for a profit. You need to consider the long-term value of the properties you are buying and the capitalization rate of return that is expected from your real estate investments. If you are serious about this type of investing, then you need to understand how to improve your chances of success. This article will provide some great tips so that you can make money in the real estate industry.


There are two basic ways to make a profit in passive real estate investing; one of them is direct income from rentals. Once the income surpasses the expenditures, then you are on the winning side.  The other way you can benefit is by increasing the value of your investment property and mining the equity that you generate. You either can take low-interest loans against the equity or sell your investment property for a profit and reinvest by buying more investment properties.

1. Research is key

Many people will only venture into real estate after they have already discovered that they enjoy it. However, the research phase needs to be done very early on in order to have a high chance of success. If you are just going to throw money at a project, it is unlikely that you will get very far. You will probably lose money even if the property appreciates in value by a factor of 10. Most real estate investment ideas will require some level of research in order to make sure that you are getting good value for your money.

2. Know the Market

As mentioned above, some of the best real estate investments are in areas that are experiencing strong growth. If you are buying a foreclosure or a bank-owned property, then you will most likely find that there is a large pool of potential tenants. If the rental market is strong, then you could potentially make a nice profit by taking advantage of low vacancy rates to fill a property. If the market is weak, then you could potentially lose money if you are not careful. I


It is best to know the market well in order to make sure that you are getting good value for your money when you invest in real estate. The market is always changing, so it is important to know what has been going on recently in order to make informed investment decisions. The best way to do this is to get on the ground and see what is happening in the local real estate markets.

3. Know The Different Types Of Real Estate Investing

There are many different types of real estate investing, and it is important to know which ones are best for you. There are three main categories when it comes to real estate investing: fixed assets, discretionary, and real estate investment trusts. This is because these are the main types of real estate that you will find in most residential and commercial real estate projects. What differentiates one type of real estate investing from another is the amount of risk that is associated with each type.

Investing in REITs


You can invest in REITs in a variety of different ways, including purchasing shares of publicly traded REIT stocks, mutual funds, and exchange-traded funds. REITs generally own and/or manage income-producing commercial real estate, whether it’s the properties themselves or the mortgages on those properties.

You can invest in Retail REITs, Residential REITs, Healthcare REITs, Office REITs, and Mortgage REITs. REITs will provide you with high dividend yields along with moderate long-term capital appreciation. They can become an excellent addition to your diversified investment portfolio. You must find companies that have done a good job historically in giving dividends to investors.

Real Estate Crowdfunding

The New Opportunity for Passive Real Estate Investing is in Crowdfunding. Since 2012, over 100+ real estate crowdfunding sites have come into existence. Websites like RealtyShares allow investors to access different real estate projects. Investors can get access to different property types and locations across the country. You can invest in real estate alongside thousands of savvy investors. Through RealtyShares, you can invest as little as $5000 and choose over 1500 funded deals.

Investing In a Turnkey Rental Property

Investing in a turnkey rental property is one of the wisest investment decisions you can take today if you are in search of how to make passive income in real estate. A turnkey rental property can be competently managed through a property management company. Therefore, your investment in turnkey rental properties is relatively safe, secure, and hassle-free. In turnkey property investing, everything is done for you.

You would simply purchase an investment property, let the professionals oversee it, and collect your monthly cash flow income, while your tenants would increase your equity or pay off your mortgage. After purchasing the property, you leave every other thing to a turnkey property management company and expect your monthly passive income to flow into your bank account. In addition, the firm ensures that your property never remains vacant.

Finding good tenants on your own can be a big hassle. A good tenant will take care of your property and pay you to rent on time. A bad or disgruntled tenant can cause havoc on your property in many ways and leave it in ruins. Another way of going about passive real estate investing is to hire people who are trustworthy to help you in locating properties in good neighborhoods.

Then, call on a good and experienced contractor to help you renovate the property and do every other necessary repair so that the property can become very attractive before you put it on market for rent. Now you can contract a trusted property management company for collecting rent, handle repairs and maintenance, addressing complaints of your tenants, and sending money to your bank account every month. Isn’t it an easy way to generate a passive income?

Click on the link to know all the benefits of investing in turnkey rental properties, which is one of the best ways of passive real estate investing. As much as passive real estate investing looks very good and attractive in theory, it requires time, dedication, and most importantly, taking the right steps before it starts yielding profits.

4. Find The Right Property For The Right Transaction

You will never know if you have all the right properties to invest in and the right people to partner with. It is best to find a real estate partner with whom you are comfortable sharing some of your hard-earned money. You can’t just throw money at a project and hope for the best. If you want to make sure that you are getting good value for your money, then you will need to work hard to find the right project for the right price.

In many cases, you will have to do some serious research in order to find the right project. It is also important to remember that no two real estate transactions will be identical. There might be a market that is oversaturated in a certain type of property, and you may have to look in another location. The important thing is to find a project that you can relate to. If you aren’t feeling 100% comfortable with a certain type of deal, then don’t invest in that type of project. Stick to projects that you are familiar with, and feel safe with.

5. Be Aware Of Capitalization Rates

You will almost certainly make money over the long term when you invest in real estate, but you also need to consider the long-term value of the properties you are buying and the capitalization rate of return that is expected from your real estate investments. While flipping real estate, you will most likely be purchasing properties that are under renovation or have been abandoned.

These types of properties are at risk of being taken advantage of, so it is important to understand the capitalization rate of return that is expected from these types of investments. The capitalization rate of return is the percentage that you are expected to pay back on your investment. In many cases, the property will appreciate in value over time. In other cases, the property may decline in value, in which case you will need to pay back your capitalization rate of return.

This is very difficult to predict, so it is important to understand the capitalization rate of return that is expected from your real estate investments. There is no way to tell whether a project will appreciate in value or not, so it is important to understand what you are getting yourself in for. You can find out more about real estate capitalization rates in this article.


A passive income is defined as the income that you receive regularly which involves little effort on your own part. That is, while some other persons do the herculean part of the job, your own involvement does not really count but you get a huge part of the gain at the end of the whole process. You are certain of the inflow of money on a regular basis, but you don’t participate in the running of the business.

So, passive real estate income is the income you get regularly from real estate investment without playing an active role in the whole process. You get paid every month, quarter, or year but do not participate in the management or contribute work in the investment. Even though passive real estate investing is one of the most lucrative investments people can consider doing, the truth is that the investment requires a little bit of your attention in order to succeed as intended.

You have to be kept abreast of the activities of the firm you’ve invested your money in so as not to be jilted investor. However, if you are certain of the firm you are dealing with; you can always relax and attend the periodic meetings if there are any. Real estate is a great way to make money if you are willing to put in the effort.

There are many different types of real estate investing, and it is important to know which ones are best for you. If you are interested in real estate, then it is smart to get on the ground and do some research in order to make sure that you are getting good value for your money. There are many different types of real estate investing, and it is important to know which ones are best for you.

There are three main categories when it comes to real estate investing: fixed assets, discretionary, and real estate investment trusts. The capitalization rate of return is the percentage that you are expected to pay back on your investment. In many cases, the property will appreciate in value over time. In other cases, the property may decline in value, in which case you will need to pay back your capitalization rate of return.

This is very difficult to predict, so it is important to understand the capitalization rate of return that is expected from your real estate investments. There is no way to tell whether a project will appreciate in value or not, so it is important to understand what you are getting yourself in for.

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