The WCI Champions Program | White Coat Investor


The White Coat Investor Champions Program began in 2020 with the goal of putting The White Coat Investor’s Guide for Students into the hands of every first-year medical and dental student in the US. We see this program as one of the most important things we do as a company, because medical school is such an impactful time for students to become financially literate.

Even though the book is primarily focused on medical and dental students, we expanded the program in October 2023 to include US-based PA, NP, DO, Pharmacy, Dental, and Medical Schools.


How the WCI Champions Program Works

We quickly realized that shipping books to individual students would not be cost-effective or sustainable. Instead, we enlist a volunteer “Champion” student from the first-year class of every eligible school physically located in the US to distribute all of the books for their class.

The Champion program typically runs from October through March of each year. You can sign up for our free monthly newsletter to be sure you don’t miss the announcement.


The Champion role is quite simple. Here’s all you have to do:

  1. Apply by the deadline so there is time to have the books printed, shipped, and distributed before the end of the school year.
  2. Provide us with your mailing address.
  3. Have a dean or the financial aid office confirm your enrollment status and how many students are in your class by filling out a simple verification form.
  4. Wait for your free books to arrive and pass them out to your classmates.
    WCI Giveaways
    WCI Giveaways

If you sign up to be the WCI Champion for your class, you receive the following:

  • The WCI’s Guide for Students book for you and your classmates
  • A White Coat Investor T-shirt
  • The pride of knowing you will be a hero to your classmates, literally making a difference worth hundreds of millions of dollars throughout the careers of your classmates
  • BONUS — If you send us a picture of your classmates with their copies of the book, we’ll send you a WCI insulated mug (Yeti/Stanley or similar).

Apply to Be a WCI Champion


Get free stuff and provide millions of dollars of value to your classmates!

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