Evidation – Sidehusl.com



Evidation is a health care research firm that pays individuals to participate in healthy activities, like walking, sleeping, and keeping track of their diet

Expected pay: 10 cents a day


Husl$core: $$$

Commissions & fees: NA

Where: Nationwide (remote)


Requirements: 18 or older; fitness tracker and smart phone

What is Evidation?

Evidation is a health care research firm that pays individuals to participate in healthy activities, like walking, sleeping, keeping track of their diet, and reading articles on health.

How it works

You can sign up on a computer or a smart phone, filling in some basic information. The site then gives you the ability to connect an activity tracker that should record things like your sleep and steps. Each day you leave this running gives you up to 100 points in the site’s system.


You get additional points for filling in a plethora of personal and health information, including your income, demographics, household status and whether you suffer with any serious ailments, ranging from heart and liver issues to cancer and auto-immune diseases.

The site will then offer additional points for answering survey questions, reading articles and other health-related activities.

Value of Evidation points

So what is the worth of 100 points in Evidation’s system? Not much.

It takes 10,000 points to cash out with a $10 gift card. That makes each point worth about one-tenth of a penny. In other words, the most you can earn  for activity is 10 cents a day. That makes competitor CashWalk‘s 16.6 cent per day payout seem remarkably generous.

And to ensure that you get the points for physical activities, you need to sync your device with Evidation every day. That said, it does not require you to watch advertisements to claim your points like CashWalk does.

Evidation review

Most companies that promise to pay you to exercise have an ulterior motive. Evidation is no exception.

This site works with biomedical companies to help them find subjects for clinical research. It also works with health care companies that want market research, insights from patients, data on sleep and exercise patterns and their impact on health, as well as real-world studies and long-term research and engagement programs.

By paying participants to keep their app on, measuring their sleep and exercise, the site gets real-world data at a bargain price. In addition, the surveys it asks people complete for points allow Evidation to segment its users into categories — people with Diabetes; lung cancer; lupus; etc. This puts the company in a perfect position to recruit participants for clinical trials and engage in targeted research.

Notably, while companies must tell you what they do with data that they collect about you without your knowledge, they don’t appear to have similar requirements when they collect data by having your voluntarily answer questions.

Surveys and “cards”

Notably, Evidation promises more generous pay to those taking surveys and responding to “cards” — mini-action steps like reading an article or answering health questions — than it does for recording your steps and sleep. But even here the compensation is measured in small change, not dollars.

This isn’t necessarily a problem for a healthy adult — or someone who has no worries about sharing their medical information. And, if you’re looking for innovative and experimental ways to treat whatever ails you, this might present opportunities that you wouldn’t otherwise know about. But you normally keep your health conditions close to the vest, you might want to consider whether you’re being adequately compensated to confess your medical conditions here.

On the other hand, while the app tracks your data, it gives you an easy way to see your health trends too. Many users say that’s far more valuable than the points.


Evidation pays you in points. You need to accumulate 10,000 of these to cash out. At that point, you’ll have the option of a payment through PayPal, a gift card or a gift to charity. However, points expire if your account is inactive for a year.


With the exception of our one privacy concern, we think this app provides a valuable service in helping people track their health trends. You can sign up with Evidation here.

People trying to lose weight or improve their fitness may also want to check out HealthyWage, StepBet and DietBet. You can also coach (or find athletic coaches) through TeachMeTo and Wyzant.

What their users say (from Reddit)

I’ve been using Evidation for awhile and it is a slow earner but I basically only spend a minute or 2 on the app a day making sure stuff syncs and do some offers. I’d recommend it as a passive nice random payout but wouldn’t expect to make bank for you

From Google Play

It asks you questions about your health and shows you trends about it! You can also earn gift cards as well! No ads or tricks! I like that I can use Google Fit, but I love connecting it to Fitbit. It gives points for food, water, steps, & sleeping too! FYI:For the comments stating it doesn’t track steps well- anytime you use a phone to track your steps it will always be lower. It can be close, but this is true for all apps.

User friendly health activity and information app. Really helps in goal keeping.

It is really easy to gain points to reach the goal of $10. Just read card articles, take short surveys, and walk a lot.


This morning I did 2 100 point surveys. I really appreciate that. This app is pretty informative. Having higher point surveys makes me excited about using it more.

This app has been very helpful to me in learning more about my habits from sleeping to stress and everything else.

I’ve been using Evidation for the past few years and when I consistently check in, take easy polls and surveys, do the cards, on average I earn $10 every six months that immediately becomes available on my PayPal. It’s very reliable and great on an Android so far (I used to own an iPhone). It’s nice little extra pocket money.


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