Gig Workers to Get 1-3% Match with Robinhood’s New IRA


PALO ALTO — Robinhood recently announced the launch of “Robinhood Retirement For Independent Workers,” a product designed to provide retirement benefits to gig workers and independent contractors who typically lack access to traditional retirement plans.


This initiative aims to bridge the gap in retirement planning for freelancers and gig economy workers, acknowledging the growing trend towards freelancing and side hustles as primary sources of income.

More than half of independent workers reportedly do not feel they have effective access to retirement and savings plans, which Robinhood aims to address with this launch, according to the company press release.

The product was introduced in partnership with three major gig economy job providers: Gopuff, Grubhub, and Taskrabbit.


These companies cover a range of services from delivery to home services, indicating a broad target demographic within the gig economy.

Robinhood’s offering includes easy onboarding for gig workers at these companies, providing them with access to a higher match rate from Robinhood Retirement automatically, making it easier for them to start investing for their future.

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One of the key features of Robinhood Retirement For Independent Workers is the provision of a boosted match ranging from 1-3% for the first year, alongside financial counseling via GreenPath Financial Wellness, a nonprofit dedicated to helping individuals achieve their financial goals.

This initiative aims to reflect Robinhood’s stated commitment to expanding financial access and tools for everyone, aiming to include those working outside traditional employment structures in the financial system.

This move is seemingly a part of Robinhood’s broader strategy to capture new markets and offer innovative products that meet the evolving needs of today’s workers, especially in a time where higher-than-average inflation is making it challenging for many Americans to save and plan for their future.

About the Plan

robinhood announces new gig worker ira

  • IRA Match: Robinhood offers a match of 1% for all eligible contributions to its IRA accounts, with an increased match of 3% for those with Robinhood Gold. This match applies annually up to the IRS-set contribution limits, and the matched funds are immediately available for investment but must be held for at least 5 years to avoid withdrawal fees​​.
  • Investment Options: Robinhood’s IRA allows for investments in individual stocks and a wide selection of ETFs, offering the flexibility to create customized portfolios or opt for a professionally recommended portfolio based on an algorithm and research by Robinhood’s investment strategy team​​.
  • Fees and Account Minimum: The IRA product boasts zero annual account fees and zero commissions on trades of stocks and ETFs, with no account minimum required to start investing, making it an accessible option for many investors​​.
  • Ease of Use: The platform is highly rated for its user-friendly interface, facilitating a seamless mobile and desktop trading experience for managing finances effectively​​.
  • Limitations: The unique 1% match feature is subject to standard IRA contribution limits, meaning the maximum potential match is capped annually. Additionally, withdrawing matched funds within 5 years of contribution may incur fees if the remaining IRA balance is below the contributed amount that earned the match​​.

>> Learn more.

The Robinhood Retirement for Independent Workers IRA, announced to cater specifically to gig workers, shares several core features with Robinhood’s standard IRA, but with additional elements designed to suit the unique financial landscapes of those working in the gig economy. Here are the main differences:


  • Target Audience: While Robinhood’s standard IRA is available to all eligible users, the gig worker IRA specifically targets independent workers at partner companies such as Grubhub, Taskrabbit, and Gopuff. Robinhood has expressed intentions to expand this offering to other companies in the future​​.
  • Financial Counseling: A unique feature of the gig worker IRA is access to a hotline for financial counseling provided by GreenPath Financial Wellness, aiming to offer personalized financial guidance to gig workers who may not have access to such resources through traditional employment​​.
  • Onboarding Process: The gig worker-focused product emphasizes “easy onboarding,” although specific details about the sign-up process or whether it includes options like automatic paycheck deductions were not elaborated on in the announcement. This suggests a streamlined process tailored to the often variable income streams of gig workers​​.

In essence, while the foundational aspects of Robinhood’s IRA offerings remain consistent, the gig worker-specific IRA introduces subtly tailored features to better address the needs and challenges faced by those in the gig economy.



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