50 Traffic-Growing Blog Post Ideas to Fill Your Content Schedule for a Year


Are you a mom blogger looking for fresh, traffic-growing ideas to fill your content schedule for the entire year?

You’re in the right place!


As a mom of twins myself, I knew how challenging it was to juggle blogging with little ones running around.

I needed to make sure that EVERY SINGLE TIME I was on my laptop, I was ACTUALLY gaining traffic, email subscribers and of course, income.


I still remember blogging and pinning away when my twins napped from 1-3pm and you know what? Everything I shared my blog posts on Pinterest, I made huge sales! Oh yea!

It totally works!

That’s why I want to help you start this money-making process!


Here is a list of 52 blog post ideas across various lifestyle niches to help you attract more visitors and keep your blog thriving.

Let’s dive in!

Don’t Forget to Create Your Content Pillars

While you’ll get some banging blog post ideas to gain some traffic, remember that you need to also think of your blog pillars.

These are like big categories for your blog’s theme. Once you come up with these content pillars, then you can find the blog topics for each of your pillars!

Boom! A great traffic strategy for you.


Parenting is a vast blog niche with an endless appetite for advice, tips, and relatable stories.

According to Statista, the global baby care market is expected to reach $88.7 billion by 2026, highlighting the growing interest in parenting content.

That’s a lot!

This means parents are more than willing to find the BEST baby care products and ideas and will pay for that too.

So, let’s look at some blog post ideas that will bring immediate traffic to your new parent blog.

  1. 10 Time-Saving Hacks for Busy Moms: This topic will help your blog gain traffic because time-saving tips are highly sought after by busy moms. And it’s a great topic for Pinterest traffic as parents often look for quick solutions.
  2. Navigating the Terrible Twos: Tips and Tricks: This is a specific parenting challenge, making it relatable and likely to attract traffic from search engines as parents seek advice on this common issue.
  3. How to Create a Kid-Friendly Home Office: With the rise of remote work, this topic is timely and has high search traffic potential as parents look for ways to balance work and childcare. This is also a great blog post idea for affiliate marketing too.
  4. The Ultimate Guide to Baby-Led Weaning: This topic taps into a popular feeding method, attracting traffic from parents searching for guidance on this approach.
  5. Creating a Bedtime Routine That Works for Your Toddler: Bedtime routines are a common concern for parents, making this topic likely to attract search traffic from those seeking solutions.

Home Organization

The home organization blog niche is a very popular – and profitable – niche on Pinterest.

And why is this niche popular with woman and moms alike?

This niche is perfect for moms looking to declutter and organize their homes.

  1. Decluttering Your Home: A Room-by-Room Guide: This topic is popular on Pinterest as pinners often look for organization inspiration and tips on the platform.
  2. Organizing Your Pantry: Tips for Busy Moms: Pantry organization is another popular topic on Pinterest, making this post likely to attract traffic from users seeking practical solutions.
  3. How to Create a Family Command Center: This topic is likely to gain SEO traffic for its practicality in helping families stay organized, with potential for both search and Pinterest traffic.
  4. Toy Storage Solutions That Actually Work: Toy storage is a common challenge, so this topic will attract search traffic from parents looking for effective solutions.
  5. Maximizing Small Spaces: Storage Hacks for Apartments: This topic has broad appeal and is likely to attract traffic from both parents and non-parents living in small spaces, with high potential for Pinterest traffic.

Health & Wellness

Health and wellness is a trending niche, with the global wellness market valued at $4.9 trillion (Global Wellness Institute).

It’s no wonder this is a popular niche. With the pandemic, lockdowns, the recessions and layoffs, people need a good dose of wellness!

And, well, Moms are always looking for ways to stay healthy and energized.

  1. X Quick and Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids: This is a great topic for gaining search traffic as parents frequently look for healthy snack options for their children.
  2. Self-Care Tips for Moms: Finding Time for Yourself: Self-care is a trending topic, and this post is likely to attract traffic from moms searching for ways to prioritize their well-being.
  3. Staying Active with Kids: Fun Family Workouts: This topic has potential for Pinterest traffic as families look for ways to stay active together, especially during times when outdoor activities are limited.
  4. Mental Health Tips for Managing Mom Stress: Mental health is a critical topic, and this post is likely to gain traffic from moms seeking strategies to manage stress.
  5. Nutrition Tips for Busy Moms: Meal Planning Made Easy: Meal planning is a popular search topic, and this post is likely to attract traffic from moms looking for ways to streamline their meal preparation.

Education & Learning

With the rise of homeschooling and remote learning, the education niche is more relevant than ever.

More and more families are moving to homeschooling and that means they are searching for all things educational to help their little ones.

Share your tips and experiences to help other moms navigate this challenging landscape.

  1. Homeschooling Tips for Beginners: With the rise of homeschooling, this topic is likely to attract high search traffic from parents seeking guidance on starting homeschooling.
  2. Educational Apps for Kids: Our Top Picks: Parents are looking for reputable app recommendations to support their children’s learning.
  3. Creating a Productive Learning Environment at Home: This topic has potential for Pinterest traffic as parents seek inspiration for setting up effective learning spaces at home.
  4. Fun and Educational Activities for Preschoolers: Attract search traffic from parents looking for activities to support their preschoolers’ development.
  5. Supporting Your Child’s Learning: Tips for Parents: This topic is likely to gain traffic as parents seek ways to actively support their child’s education.

DIY & Crafts

The DIY and crafts niche is a goldmine for creative moms.

I know when I was pregnant I was extremely crafty!

I knitted and did scrapbooking and loved every minute of it.

Share your crafty ideas and projects to inspire other moms.

  1. Easy DIY Projects for Kids: This blog idea gets a loftof Pinterest love as parents look for simple and fun craft ideas to do with their children.
  2. Homemade Gift Ideas for Teachers and Friends: This topic is likely to attract Google traffic as parents look for thoughtful and personal gift ideas.
  3. Creating a Craft Corner: Organizing Your Supplies: Get some Pinterest traffic as pinners look for inspiration to organize their crafting supplies.
  4. Upcycling Ideas for Home Decor: This blog idea has potential for both search and Pinterest traffic as users look for sustainable and creative home decor ideas.
  5. DIY Birthday Party Decorations on a Budget: Get search traffic when parents look for budget-friendly ways to celebrate their children’s birthdays.

Cooking & Baking

Food is a universal language, and the cooking and baking niche is always in demand.

And, wouldn’t it be neat to start a cooking and recipe blog?

Share your family-friendly recipes and kitchen hacks to attract food-loving moms.

  1. Meal Prep Tips for Busy Moms: Get some Google traffic since parents often look for efficient ways to prepare meals in advance, saving time and reducing stress during the week. This is also a good topic for Pinterest.
  2. Healthy Lunchbox Ideas for Kids: This topic is likely to gain traffic from parents seeking nutritious and appealing lunch options for their children, particularly during the school year.
  3. 5-Ingredient Recipes for Quick Dinners: Make Pinterest happy with this idea! This shares simple recipes that can be made with minimal ingredients, perfect for busy weeknights.
  4. Cooking on a Budget: Family Meals Under $10: Get blogs of blog traffic as families look for cost-effective meal options that don’t sacrifice taste or nutrition.
  5. Baking Bread at Home: A Beginner’s Guide: With the rise in popularity of home baking, this topic is likely to attract traffic from those looking to try their hand at making bread from scratch.


Traveling with kids can be a challenge, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Share your family travel tips, destination guides, and packing hacks to inspire other adventurous moms.

Plus, it’s a great niche to get into this year since everyone wants to leave home and live life after the pandemic.

  1. Family-Friendly Vacation Destinations: This topic is likely to gain Pinterest traffic as parents search for travel spots that cater to the needs and interests of children.
  2. Tips for Traveling with Toddlers: Here’s another idea for Pinterest traffic since parents are looking for advice on making travel with young children more manageable.
  3. Packing List for a Beach Vacation with Kids: This topic is likely to attract search traffic from families planning a beach getaway and looking for guidance on what to bring.
  4. Budget-Friendly Travel Hacks for Families: Families often seek ways to save money while still enjoying memorable trips on Pinterest.
  5. Creating Lasting Memories: Travel Journal Ideas for Kids: This topic has potential for Pinterest traffic as parents look for creative ways to document their family travels.

Personal Finance

Managing family finances is a crucial skill for moms.

Many of them will need help and advice to manage their money and save money too.

Share your budgeting tips, money-saving hacks, and financial planning advice to help other moms achieve financial stability.

  1. Budgeting for a Family: Tips and Tricks: Families want strategies to manage their finances effectively and will looking Pinterest for this.
  2. Teaching Kids About Money: Fun Activities and Lessons: Gain lots of blog traffic with this topic. Parents are often looking for resources to help educate their children about financial literacy.
  3. Saving for College: A Guide for Parents: With the rising cost of education, this topic is likely to attract search traffic from parents looking to plan for their children’s future.
  4. How to Cut Household Expenses: This topic is likely to gain traffic as families search for ways to reduce their spending and save money.
  5. Side Hustles for Stay-at-Home Moms: Many moms are looking for ways to earn extra income from home and will often find this info on Pinterest.

Fashion & Beauty

Fashion and beauty are always popular lifestyle topics.

Share your mom-friendly fashion tips, beauty hacks, and self-care routines to help other moms feel their best.

  1. Mom-Friendly Fashion Trends: Gain a lot of blog traffic with this easy blog post idea. Moms are looking for stylish yet practical fashion ideas that suit their busy lifestyles.
  2. Quick and Easy Beauty Routines for Busy Moms: This topic has potential for Pinterest traffic as moms search for beauty tips that fit into their hectic schedules.
  3. Affordable Skincare Solutions for Moms: Attract search Google traffic as moms look for effective skincare products that won’t break the bank.
  4. Accessorizing Tips for Busy Moms: Moms  are often seeking ways to elevate their outfits with minimal effort.
  5. Transitioning Your Wardrobe from Winter to Spring: This seasonal topic is likely to attract traffic as moms look for tips on refreshing their wardrobe for the new season.

Home Decor

Home decor is an insanely popular blogging idea.

Woman LOVE to decorate their homes or apartments. From getting drop zone ideas to styling their coffee tables to finding the perfect fandelier for their bedroom and more!

  1. Maximizing Small Spaces: Clever Storage and Design Tips: EVERYONE loves finding topics about small spaces. This will likely to attract traffic as many families seek ways to make the most of limited living areas, especially in urban environments.
  2. Seasonal Decorating Ideas for Every Room: Get a lot of Pinterest traffic since homeowners are wanting inspiration to refresh their homes for different seasons, from spring florals to cozy winter touches.
  3. Sustainable Home Décor: Eco-Friendly Tips and Ideas: With growing awareness of environmental issues, this topic is likely to gain traffic as families search for ways to reduce their ecological footprint through sustainable decorating choices.
  4. Transforming Your Backyard into an Outdoor Oasis: This topic is likely to attract traffic, especially during warmer months, as families look to create inviting outdoor spaces for relaxation and entertainment.
  5. Art and Wall Decor: How to Choose Pieces That Reflect Your Style: Get both search and Pinterest traffic as homeowners seek guidance on selecting art and wall decor that complements their personal style and enhances their living spaces.

Build a Content Calendar

With these blog post ideas for your blog, it’s now to compile them (you can use more than one niche in this list to complete your calendar), and add them to your content pillars.

For example, for this blog, Twins Mommy, my main content pillars are:

  • Blogging
  • Pinterest
  • WAHM
  • Digital Products

Now, under each of these content pillars I wan to create blog post ideas that will grow my email list and income.

So, under WAHM I could write about the Best Ways to Be Productive Working from Home.

In this post I can have:

  • A 5-page PDF guide on Quickstart Guide on How to Start Working From Home to grow my email list
  • Affiliate links to products to help be more productive to make money

Now, when I write my blog post, I’ll make sure to be more aligned with these ideas so that when I do add an email from to my quick start guide that it makes sense.

Wrap Up

There ya go! I hope you found some good blog post ideas for your blog.

Tell me in the comments what your blog niche is! I’d love to hear all about it.

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