Setting Big Goals | Flea Market Flipper


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Let’s talk about big, audacious goals. These are the kind of goals that can be scary but can really take you to the next level in your business. 

I recently came up with the idea for this big goal after one of our group members posted about it, and when I told Melissa, her initial reaction was that it was crazy. But then we thought, what if we could do it? It will take some effort to achieve it, but the end result would be a lifechanging experience for our family.

You know we love to travel. The last several years we’ve taken the kids on a road trip across the U.S., picking up items to flip along the way. Last year we did a 16-day cruise from LA to Hawaii and back, and it was one of the best times we’ve had with our kids. It was paid for by one flip. I even found a few things that I sourced while in Hawaii. 


The goal is to go on a world cruise in 2026. This will take some really big effort on our part to pull it off. 

Talk About Your Goals

One of the reasons we’re on here sharing this goal is because it’s more likely to happen. Saying your goals out loud and telling people about it helps you stay accountable. If we don’t make the goal, we don’t make it. But we’ve said it so now we have to do it. 

The cruise is four months long and visits over 30 countries. It would be an incredible experience for our family.


Break Your Goals Up With Checkpoints

We are estimating the entire trip for our family will be $75,000. We’re giving ourselves almost two years to tackle this big goal, and it will be paid by flipping items. We also have to flip enough to still pay our own bills and everything else.

We have set the goal to pay the deposit of $25,000-$30,000 by the end of the year. Then we have to pay the balance in 2025. We’re super excited and stoked for this adventure.

We’ve never planned something this far in advance. We’re going to get the kids to help build a chart to track our goals. 

We want to know what your big goals are for the year or two years from now. Let us know, we’d love to hear from you so we can stay motivated together!

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