November 2023 Passive Income – 6 Dividend Raises! — Passive Canadian Income


  • 3 sources of passive Income
  • $365.35 from dividends
  • 1 stock/unit dripped in November
  • Trailing 12 Month Portfolio Return -0.69%

    S&P 500 12 Month Total Return +13.84% for December 2023

    S&P/TSX Composite Index 12 Month +4.50% December 13 2023

We see some significant underperformance. Its unfortunate but lets be honest, the market is getting carried by just a small amount of companies. As interest rates level off, the portfolio should perform better. Luckily the dividend increases keep coming though.


November was another great month. After wanting a new shed for years we finally pulled the trigger. We built a 16×10 shed in the backyard and while it is a shed right now, the plan is to make it a man shed. AR Ar Ar! Gotta get some power setup to it and then start insulating it but its there finally! Bring on the leaf games with the boys without kids running and yelling all around =)


With the end of November also comes the end of the landscape season. We shut er down right before the beginning of December and it seemed like perfect timing. We had snow that weekend and the following week was freezing. Here we are dec 12 and its going to be 9 degrees on Friday. Crazy! but at least I’m not setting up the hockey rink in the yard this year =)


December 1st we went on a nice family trip to Florida for a week. Disneys animal kingdom, Universal Studios and a 4 day cruise. It was a great time. Universal was absolutely amazing, we did almost all rides in universal and the harry potter area. Those harry potter coasters and that 4d ride was absolutely incredible. This was part of the kids Christmas gift and they seem to be completely fine with that.


They have enough crap. Experiences over stuff always!





Movember came to a close once again. After rocking the stache for all of November the total I raised in 2023 was $300. Overall since signing up for Movember this stache has raised $1,340 for mens health. Shout out to Keith from Divhut. He was the first person in this online financial community to donate to our movember since I’ve been posting about it. Thanks alot Keith

Alright, Let’s Get To Our November 2023 Passive Income

Raises/ Cuts

Oh yes there were raises this month!

  • Suncor – Raised theirs 4.8% adding $43 to our forward income.
  • CoucheTard announced a 25% raise adding $29.54 to our forward income.
  • Enbridge Boosted theirs 3.1% adding $35.20 to our yearly dividends
  • TD Bank increased their divs by 6.3% adding $30.48
  • Disney reinstated their dividend. Will this be semi annually? who knows but right now .30 cents per share is coming our way. Adding $18.30
  • National Bank grew theirs by 4% adding a monster $2.08

Total Added Income from Dividend Raises in 2023 – $194.96

Gotta love months like this. Couchetard is an absolute monster. One I would easily be over 100% on if I didnt keep adding to our position as well.


september 2023 passive income

November 2023 Dividend Income

8 Companies paid us this month.

Stocks Nov 2022 Income Nov 2023 Income
National Bank of Canada 154.56 (1 Drip) 13.26
Costco CDR 0 1.85
Texas Instruments – Usd 32.24 46.80
Air Products – Usd 74.52 80.50
Proctor & Gamble – Usd 31.05 31.98
Abbvie – Usd 98.70 103.60
General Mills – Usd 78.84 87.32 (1 Drip)
Totals 469.91 365.31

1 stocks/units Dripped in November.

These months continue to be laggards. Its all good, slowly but surely it will come back up. We got our first payment from Costco. Man what a stock I’ve held it for just over a month and its up like 15%. These low yielder’s continue to stick out in the portfolio, make sure you hold some of them as well.

If your interested check out our Previous Dividend Income Reports.

Our Drips (Dividend Reinvestment Program) added $2.36 bucks to our forward income…. =)

november 2023 passive income

Other Income

Private Investment Payment – $1000.00

1k a month, very nice!

Solar Panel Income

In October (We always get paid a month later) our solar panel system generated 374 kWh. Since we bring in a fixed rate of 28.8 cents per kilowatt hour, Hydro One deposited $103.16 into our chequing account this month.

Last September the system generated $122.73, so we came out slightly behind once again

Total Income for 2023 – $2,039.98

System Installed January 2018

Total System Cost ——–$32,396.46

Total Income Received ——–$14,212.27


Amount to Break even —- $ —18,184.19

Winters coming….


November 2023 Passive Income

Total November 2023 Passive Income – $1,468.51

November 2022 Passive Income – $1,592.64

A little behind but that’s to be expected with a lower dividend income.

November 2023 passive Income

Totals For 2023

Dividends Year To Date Total – $8,164.49
Other Passive Income Year to date – $13,803.82
Total Passive Income for 2023 —– $21,968.31
Year End Goal – $26,000 (84.49%)

Always nice seeing these totals go up, but with 4k to go clearly I’ll be short of the goal. Love how the portfolio is changing though. It should benefit us in the future.



November Stock Purchases

AP.UN – Allied Property Reit. High risk high reward play. I think this company is severely undervalued. After selling all our reits last year I thought now was a good time to get back in. Interest rates should stop their huge incline and should stay flat or possibly go down next year as mortgages come due. The company has a lot of debt but sold their data centre portfolio for 1.3 billion. These proceeds will be used to pay down debt and also give a special dividend to unit holders in January. Rbc gives allied a fair value of $31.25 and its trading at almost half of that. It offers a monster yield and even increased it this year.

We bought 280 shares at $17.61 per share.

This purchase adds $504 in forward dividends. =)

Bam – Brookfield Asset Management – We added to our bam position once again this month. Great company and one I definitely want to grow our holdings in. Last month we bought 26 shares at $42.88 per share.

Adding $33.28 in forward income

Overall we added $537.28 in future dividend income. A huge jump, let’s see how it plays out.

Total added forward dividend income from purchases in 2023 – $1,568.68


Bitcoin continues to tear things up, up 20% year over year compared to last month. If blackrock’s bitcoin etf gets approved get ready for it to pop even more.


We decided to go with shakepay because it is regulated in Canada and you shake the phone daily to get some free sats (bitcoin). They recently changed the way shaking sats is done. You get a certain amount per day now

A 100 dollar deposit gets you 10 bucks and 10 for the referrer. Feel free to use my affiliate here if your interested in trying out the crypto space. Or if your a fan of the site and wanna toss me some btc my Shaketag is @hutz8 – worth a shot =)

I appreciate the support.

Financial Goals Update


Etf Monthly Minimum Purchase of $250

  • This month we added 0 more units of xaw etf.
  • Questrade* is great because it offers free etf trades and cheaper stock trading options than most Canadian brokers. $250.00 a month would kill us if we needed to pay high trading fees.
  • * Note the questrade link is a affiliate link and at no additional cost to you, I would get a little payment if you were to sign up. You could get $50 in free trades by using my affiliate link though.

We didn’t buy and xaw this month.

November 2023 Passive Income Conclusion

While the income is lower, we put alot of cash to work for us. Overall things keep growing, slowly but surely. How was your month?


Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it, Go out and get busy – Dale Carnegie

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