No Time to Blog? How to Blog Consistently When New


I have not time to blog anymore!

I have multiple sites, twins for the summer and extra curricular activities in the winter, and home renovation after home renovation to get through.


Is this your life too as a mom?

Maybe you’re tirelessly juggling a demanding full-time job and the constant demands of parenting, and the unique challenges of being a blogger?


The relentless cycle of responsibilities leaves you with no time to blog and makes it feel almost impossible to maintain consistency and make progress in the ever-evolving world of blogging.

As a mom of twins who blogs, I know this daily struggle!

It can be hard to find fleeting pockets of blogging time, but with the right strategy, it’s totally doable.


It’s all about finding those pockets of time and then maximizing your efforts.

When you have no time to blog, you need to make the most of the time you do find.

Trust me, it took me quite a bit of time to pin down a blogging routine so that I could post enough content on my blogs while looking after two babies!

But I want to make sure you don’t waste your time, so that’s why I put together these tips to help you rock your blog when you don’t have a whole lot of time.

Before you start, make sure you watch my Youtube video about it!

Have a Blogging Plan

When it comes to effectively managing your blogging time, the first thing you need is a well-structured blogging plan.

A blogging plan is like a roadmap that guides your content creation efforts, ensuring that you stay focused and on track. It doesn’t have to be overly complex – remember that simplicity is key.

Here’s how you can create a practical blogging plan.

1. Topic Outline

Begin by outlining the main topics you want to cover on your blog. These topics should align with your niche and resonate with your target audience. Having a clear list of topics will give you a sense of direction for your content.

2. Keyword Research

Identify relevant keywords that are associated with each topic.

These keywords will not only help your content rank higher in search engine results but also guide your writing.

Incorporating keywords naturally into your posts can enhance your blog’s visibility.

3. Idea Repository

Keep a dedicated space, whether it’s a notebook or a digital document, to jot down ideas for future posts. Whenever inspiration strikes, make a note of it.

This repository will be a valuable resource during times when you’re ready to create content but need inspiration.

4. Content Structure

Outline the structure of your blog posts.

Decide on the main points you’ll cover, the subtopics you’ll explore, and the overall flow of your content. Having a clear structure in mind makes the writing process smoother.

5. Tackle One Step at a Time

Break down your plan into manageable steps.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the entire process, focus on one topic at a time. This approach allows you to concentrate your efforts and ensure each post receives the attention it deserves.

Having a well-defined blogging plan provides a sense of clarity and purpose.

It ensures that you make the most of every moment you dedicate to blogging, even during those pockets of limited time.

As you gradually use your plan, you’ll witness the growth of a valuable content repository that resonates with your audience and establishes your presence in the blogosphere.

Create a Blogging Schedule

Crafting a consistent blogging schedule will help you write blog posts contently consistently!

Allocate specific time slots during your week dedicated solely to blogging. It might be a couple of hours over the weekend or a brief window every evening.

Choose a schedule that aligns with your best hours of productivity.

If you’re a morning person, consider dedicating your mornings to writing.

If evenings are your prime time, carve out time after your other commitments.

The key is to establish a routine that works for you and stick to it.

A blogging schedule not only helps you stay organized but also sends a clear signal to your brain that it’s time to focus on your blog.

Over time, this consistent routine will become a habit, and you’ll find yourself naturally slipping into your blogging groove.

Write with Keywords in Mind

The key to mastering how to blog consistently lies in writing with keywords strategically woven into your content.

Keywords serve as essential signposts that guide search engines and potential readers to your blog.

By thoughtfully integrating relevant keywords, you amplify the discoverability of your blog posts and increase the likelihood of reaching your intended audience.

Consider the following steps to embrace the practice of writing with keywords in mind:

  • Keyword Identification: Begin by identifying the primary keywords that resonate with your chosen topics. These keywords should reflect the core themes of your blog post.
  • Keyword Placement: Seamlessly weave your chosen keywords into various sections of your blog post. These sections include your title, headings, introduction, and throughout the body of your content.
  • Natural Integration: While prioritizing keyword inclusion, ensure that your content flows naturally and remains engaging for your readers. Avoid overstuffing keywords, as this can negatively impact the readability and user experience of your blog post.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: In addition to primary keywords, explore the use of long-tail keywords. These longer and more specific phrases cater to users who are searching for detailed information, allowing you to capture a niche audience.
  • Regular Review: Periodically revisit your published blog posts and assess their performance. If certain keywords are yielding positive results, consider incorporating them into new content or optimizing existing posts further.

By diligently incorporating keywords into your content creation process, you pave the way for your blog to ascend the search engine rankings gradually.

Over time, your consistent efforts will contribute to increased visibility, attracting a growing readership that resonates with your valuable insights and perspectives.

Double Down on Pinterest

Amidst the challenge of finding my best hours to blog, I found that maximizing my efforts on Pinterest can prove incredibly fruitful.

Pinterest serves as a potent platform for driving traffic to your blog, even when time is limited.

Crafting visually captivating pins is your gateway to capturing the attention of your desired audience.

Harness the power of automation tools like Tailwind to efficiently schedule your pins.

This ensures that your Pinterest presence remains active, even during periods when blogging time is scarce.

Embrace resources like stylized Canva pin graphic templates to expedite pin creation, allowing you to focus your energy on other vital aspects of your blog!

Invest in an AI Writing Tool

In situations where finding time to write blog content consistently becomes a challenge, it’s worth exploring the potential of AI-powered writing tools.

These tools, like Jasper AI or ChatGPT, can prove to be valuable allies in your blogging journey.

They can aid you in brainstorming ideas, crafting outlines for your posts, and even generating segments of your content.

AI-generated content has the ability to enhance your creative process, serving as a useful resource for overcoming writer’s block.

It’s important to note that the content produced by AI tools should harmonize with your distinctive writing style.

While the tool assists you in content creation, you retain the creative control to refine and personalize the output to align with your blog’s unique voice.

By integrating an AI writing tool into your toolkit, you can navigate the challenges of time constraints more effectively.

These tools provide a streamlined approach to content creation, allowing you to channel your energy into other aspects of your blog.

Repurpose and Recycle

When time is at a premium, don’t overlook the potential of repurposing and recycling your existing content.

Revisit your older blog posts and transform them into diverse formats, such as infographics, podcasts, or video presentations.

Here are some ways you can effectively repurpose your content:

  • Create Infographics: Take key points, statistics, or tips from your blog posts and turn them into visually appealing infographics. Infographics are highly shareable and can convey information in a format that’s easy to digest. Tools like Canva offer user-friendly templates to help you get started.
  • Explore Podcasting: Leverage your blog posts as inspiration for podcast episodes. Pick a post with valuable insights, and expand on its themes and ideas through spoken word. Podcasting provides an opportunity to connect with your audience in a new way and tap into a growing audio content trend.
  • Transform into Video Presentations: Consider turning your written content into engaging video presentations. Break down your blog post into slides, add narration, and create an informative video. Video content can attract a different audience segment and boost your blog’s visibility.
  • Craft Social Media Snippets: Extract key quotes, tips, or takeaways from your blog posts and repurpose them as bite-sized social media snippets. Share these snippets across your social platforms to drive traffic back to your blog.
  • Compile Ebooks or Guides: If you have a collection of related blog posts, consider compiling them into an ebook or a comprehensive guide. This offers added value to your audience and positions you as an authoritative voice in your niche.
  • Host Webinars or Live Streams: Take an in-depth blog post and turn it into a webinar or a live stream session. Engage with your audience in real-time, addressing their questions and expanding on the concepts from your post.

This strategic approach not only saves time but also broadens your content’s reach and resonates with different segments of your audience.

Collaborate and Guest Post

Efficiently managing part-time blogging from home involves leveraging the power of collaboration.

Partner with fellow bloggers in your niche for guest posting opportunities.

By sharing your expertise on other platforms, you gain exposure to new audiences and drive traffic back to your blog.

Here’s how you can get started:

  • Identify Potential Partners: Research and reach out to fellow bloggers in your niche. Look for bloggers whose content complements your own and whose audience aligns with your target demographic.
  • Pitch Your Guest Post Ideas: Craft compelling pitches highlighting the value you can provide to their audience. Showcase your expertise and propose topics that resonate with your readers.
  • Create High-Quality Content: Once your guest post is accepted, focus on delivering exceptional content that aligns with the host blog’s style and tone. Provide actionable insights and valuable takeaways.
  • Promote Your Guest Post: After your guest post goes live, promote it across your social media platforms, email list, and blog. This cross-promotion boosts visibility and encourages new readers to visit your blog.

This mutually beneficial strategy maximizes your reach while optimizing your limited blogging time.

Give Yourself Grace

Achieving consistent results doesn’t always necessitate writing extensive blog posts.

It’s essential to extend yourself some grace, especially during periods when how to blog consistently appears to be a daunting challenge.

Shorter blog posts can pack a punch and provide valuable insights to your readers.

Remember, your blogging journey is unique, and there’s no need to adhere to a rigid content creation schedule.

As you gain momentum, you can revisit your earlier posts and enhance them over time.

These updates could involve injecting relevant keywords, expanding on concepts, or sharing fresh perspectives, further enhancing your blog’s appeal!

Embrace Your Blogging Mojo and Thrive, Even When Time is Short!

So there you have it, a pocketful of game-changing strategies to fuel your blogging journey even when life is a whirlwind.

By weaving these tips into your routine, you’ll be armed with the tools to not just survive but thrive as a dedicated mom and passionate blogger.

Stay the course, celebrate your wins, and don’t be afraid to tap into the power of AI tools like Jasper and automation tools like Tailwind when you need that extra boost.

There’s nothing wrong with taking shortcuts!

Using these tools alongside your blogging plan and blogging schedule is a surefire way to be a productive and rockstar mom blogger!

And now, I’d love to hear from you! How do you plan to implement these tips into your blogging routine?

Are there any specific challenges you’re facing that you’d like further insights on? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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