Is Transcribe Anywhere Worth It? – A Comprehensive Guide


Many people are looking at legitimate ways to earn some extra money online or even to start a new career where they can work from home. In both cases, transcription may be the solution, but it’s hard to know where to start. This is where Transcribe Anywhere comes in. This is a well-regarded online transcription course that’s designed to take you from a complete newbie to a seasoned professional.

When you’re ready, you will be able to set your own rates, find regular work, and build your own freelance transcription business. In this article we will take a closer look at this course and answer a key question, is Transcribe Anywhere worth the investment?


Work from Anywhere!


General Transcription: Theory & Practice™

General Transcription: Theory & Practice™


This all-inclusive online educational system is simply the best way to learn how to earn money as a transcriptionist. It includes 7 levels of practice dictations, shows you where to find the best work as an employee or contractor, & more.


  • Screencast tutorial videos on software, time coding, & more
  • How to find higher-paying work
  • How to build and market your business
  • How to set up a transcriptionist website
  • Lifetime access to all course material and future updates
  • Lifetime access to our student support forum on Facebook

The Transcription Basics 

Transcription is the process of recording spoken words recorded on audio or video and turning them into a written text format. To do this, the transcriptionist will listen to the audio and type out what they hear at the same time. As you can imagine, precision, active listening, and good typing skills are essential qualities that a company will look for when they hire a transcriptionist. 

What is Transcribe Anywhere?

Transcribe Anywhere is an online transcription course and support platform for people who are interested in pursuing transcription as a part-time job or a full-time career. This comprehensive course was designed by Janet Shaughnessy who is the owner of LLC Zoom Transcription Services.

This company has been offering professional transcription services in the general, medical, and legal fields for more than 10 years. So, it’s fair to say that Janet has a lot of solid information and experience to share with her students. At this time, Transcribe Anywhere is the only online transcription course that is both approved and certified by the American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers (AAERT).

Course Materials 

This is a detailed and comprehensive course, but the information is presented in a manner that makes it easy to follow at your own pace. Every section builds on the previous section in a logical manner and the course material is presented in modules. Every Transcribe Anywhere module contains several task-based lessons and the student learns with transcription exercises. Let’s take a closer look at the three courses offered in more detail:

1. The Free Mini-Course

This is the best way to test the waters. This course is free and you can start immediately. At the conclusion of this mini-course, you will have a better understanding of how transcription works, what a transcriptionist does, and if this is a good fit for you. There are seven lessons to follow:

  • Lesson 1: Learn what transcription is and why it’s an in-demand skill.

  • Lesson 2: Learn who needs transcribers, how to become one, and why it’s a great skill to learn.

  • Lesson 3: Common myths about transcription services are debunked.

  • Lesson 4: Learn about ten key criteria that can determine if transcription is right for you and how to improve your chance of succeeding in this field.

  • Lesson 5: Learn how much you can expect to earn working as a transcriptionist and ways to improve your value to potential clients.

  • Lesson 6: This lesson will teach you how you can find transcriptionist jobs.

  • Lesson 7: An invitation to join Transcribe Anywhere is extended to the prospective student along with a list of recommended transcription equipment.

2. The General Transcription Course

When the student is ready to join Transcribe Anywhere, they will start with the General Transcription Training Course. This is the foundation, which is comprised of six modules with lesson plans and more than sixty audio and video practice dictation files. The course modules and lessons are presented in the following format:

Module 1: Laying the Foundation

  • Introduction.

  • The process to submit support requests.

  • Choosing the right equipment for transcription.

  • The tools of the trade explained.

  • Understanding General Transcription (GT) style.

  • The differences between Standard and Strict Verbatim transcription.

  • The types of GT jobs.

  • How to format a transcript.

  • The importance of cyber security. 

Module 2: Essential Skills for Excellent Transcription

The focus of module 2 is the development of excellent spelling, punctuation, grammar, and critical thinking skills to avoid mistakes during transcription. 

  • Understanding parts of speech.

  • What are sentences, fragments, and run-ons?

  • Phrases.

  • Clauses.

  • Perfect punctuation.

  • Practicing punctuation.

  • The lost art of spelling.

  • How to transcribe numbers. 

  • Understanding transcription conventions.

Module 3: Using Time-Saving Tools to Improve Efficiency

A transcriptionist needs to work quickly and efficiently to deliver a transcription in a timely fashion and to maximize their earning potential. In this module, the student will learn about software and other resources that can improve their transcription efficiency.

  • How to use text expanders and shortcut keys.

  • The top 102 shortcut keys for frequently used English phrases.

  • How to spell check, search, replace, and use modern usage notes.

  • The most commonly used transcriptionist notes explained.

  • How to use transcriptionist templates.

  • How to download and use practice transcription files.

  • Understanding time coding.

  • A midterm exam.

Module 4: An Introduction to Practice Dictations

The old adage “Practice makes perfect” is extremely relevant to transcription. This module will demonstrate the practical application of the skills acquired up to this point with real-world audio and video transcription. There are seven study levels in this module that increase in complexity to present more significant challenges as the student advances through this process.

  • Level 1: Transcribing clear simple audio and video files.

  • Level 2: Audio-only files with non-American accents.

  • Level 3: Strict Verbatim transcription.

  • Level 4: Multiple speakers.

  • Level 5: Semi-poor audio and using research skills.

  • Level 6: Transcribing with time codes.

  • Level 7: Poor audio with foreign accents.

Module 5: The Final Exam and a Certificate of Completion

The student is evaluated by a human examiner and feedback is offered on how to improve. Upon passing the test, the student receives their Certificate of Completion and if they don’t pass, they can take it multiple times to make the grade.

Module 6: How to Build a Transcription Business

This is the final module in the General Transcription course and its focus is to help the student find transcriber work or to start their own home-based transcription business.

  • How to set rates and income guidelines.

  • Handling finances and taxes.

  • How to develop a business plan.

  • Marketing and advertising.

  • Customer service essentials.

  • How to connect with clients and find contract work.

  • The best business directories for local marketing.

  • How to find YouTube clients.

  • Expanding your services. 

3. The Legal Transcription Course

As the name suggests, this course covers the specialized field of legal transcription. This is a lucrative type of transcription service wherein the transcriptionists will be making documents from audio or video recordings of legal proceedings. This course is a good fit for a legal professional who understands legal terminology. It can be a significant challenge for people with no legal experience, but it is possible to learn with dedication. This course is split into fourteen modules with twenty five audio/video practice dictation files and a bonus section:

  • Module 1: An introduction to legal transcription.

  • Module 2: The legal transcription tools required.

  • Module 3: Essential legal transcriptions skills and terminology.

  • Module 4: How to use Microsoft Word for legal transcription.

  • Module 5: Understanding legal correspondence and practicing dictation.

  • Module 6: Court procedure and the legal process explained.

  • Module 7: Important forms and templates.

  • Module 8: Practicing court proceedings transcription.

  • Module 9: Handling depositions.

  • Module 10: How to transcribe law enforcement files.

  • Module 11: Transcribing conferences and legal association meetings.

  • Module 12: Usine time coding.

  • Module 13: The final exam and a list of useful resources.

  • Module 14: How to build a successful business.

  • Added Bonus Content: A professional transcription website theme is included.

Transcribe Anywhere Pros and Cons

There is no such thing as the perfect course or opportunity that can meet the needs of everyone. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of Transcribe Anywhere:


  • The General Transcription and Legal Transcription courses are comprehensive and designed for a self-paced approach.

  • With both courses, students get lifetime access to course materials, ongoing support and an exclusive Facebook group.

  • This is the only online transcription course approved and certified by the AAERT.

  • The courses have a good amount of multimedia content and twenty five practice dictations for a better learning experience.

  • At the conclusion of both courses, students can take an exam to earn certification.


  • This is a comprehensive course and some students may become overwhelmed if they don’t have the right mindset and approach to the materials.

  • The General Transcription course contains no medical transcription training.

  • Transcribe Anywhere doesn’t offer a money-back guarantee if the student changes their mind.

  • The Transcribe Anywhere courses are expensive when compared to other online course options, but they offer much more, and many consider them to be worth the extra investment.


Is Transcribe Anywhere a legitimate course?

Yes. This is probably the most comprehensive online course on this topic and it’s approved by the AAERT. A student who completes the free mini-course and the General Transcription Course will fully understand how to transcribe efficiently, find work with a transcription company, or set up their own business. 

How long does the course take?

This is a hard question to answer because people will learn at different paces depending on their ability and other commitments. As a rough guide, it’s helpful to know that the course can take 2-6 months depending on how much time and effort is dedicated to the process.

Are there any prerequisites to take these courses?

No. That said, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of how a computer works and some basic typing skills to build upon. 

Can I become a transcriber without the Transcribe Anywhere courses?

Yes, but the process may be more difficult than it needs to be and you will miss out on a lot of foundational knowledge and practical advice on how the transcription business works. If you’re unsure, try the free mini-course first to gauge your interest and level of commitment. 

How much does a transcriber earn?

There are a few factors that will determine your transcription earning potential, including accuracy, quality of work, transcription speed, and the type of transcription work. Legal and medical transcription pay higher, but these two fields are more complex and many transcriptionists stick with general transcription services.

A transcriber can make $15-$60 per audio and more experienced transcribers are at the top of that range. Of course, if you choose to start your own transcription business you can set your own rates, but it’s important to avoid pricing yourself out of the market.

Is Transcribe Anywhere Worth It? 

Making a definitive value judgment is difficult because everyone has different frames of reference and financial considerations. That said, if a person can afford a Transcribe Anywhere course and they are set on pursuing a career in this field, it’s a no-brainer.

The sheer number of lessons, practice materials, support, and advice on how to get started can be overwhelming at first. But, if the student is dedicated and prepared to invest time and energy into these courses, they will get a lot out of them. There is one caveat; if a person is looking at transcription as a purely part-time gig, this course may not be worth the investment. There are free and lower-paid online courses that teach the basics of transcription.

Transcription Alternatives 

Some people are likely to take the free Transcribe Anywhere mini-course and discover that transcription jobs aren’t a good fit for them. If this sounds like you, here are four writing and writing-related side hustles that can become full-time careers:

1. Proofreading

Like transcription work, proofreading can be carried out from anywhere if you have access to a computer and a web connection. Good spelling and grammar skills are essential, but beyond that, no special training is necessary. There are free and paid courses that give a new proofreader a solid foundation to build upon.

2. Blogging

Blogging was the hot new thing for a few years and to a certain extent, it has been overtaken by podcasting. But, there are still people making a good income writing about their passions and it’s easy to get started. The best approach for monetization purposes is to invest in your own self-hosted WordPress site with a reputable web host. Using SEO programs like Surfer SEO, a good social media profile, and pairing the blog with podcasting, YouTube or other platforms can help to drive traffic to your site.

3. Virtual Assistant

If you have a great eye for detail, good planning skills and you’re great with clients, you can earn a good income working as a virtual assistant. In this role, you will assist clients with administrative, technical, and creative tasks that can keep them away from their core business. This role can be carried out from anywhere, but it makes good sense to work with clients in time zones that are active when you want to work. In this way, you can work in the evenings and help out clients who are working in the morning or afternoon hours. If you are very organized, you can take on multiple clients to boost your income. 

4. Freelance Writer

This is a flexible option that can be a great source of income for fixed locations and digital nomads alike. As a freelance writer, you would write blog posts, articles, books, web content, ad copy, and other pieces for clients. No formal training is required, but you need good writing, spelling, and grammar skills to build your portfolio and client base. If you’re not sure how to get started, there are many free and paid freelance writing courses available online.


If you discover that you enjoy transcription and you want to turn it into a lucrative side gig, full-time job, or even your own business, it would be hard to not recommend Transcribe Anywhere. This is an expensive course, but making an investment in yourself is a smart move if you want to succeed in this field.

This course will teach you the foundations, build on that knowledge to hone your skills with practice, and even offer solid advice to help you find paid work. If you want to become a transcriber, get certified online, and make more money, Transcribe Anywhere is the best option.

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