The One Thing You Can Do To Bring In More Sales Through The Holidays


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Let’s talk about the one thing you can do through the holidays to actually bring in more sales. In the past we’ve talked about improving your listings to make them more appealing, and today we’re talking about the one thing that is the most vital part.

The one thing you can do to change your business during the holiday season is to list more items. Get your items listed. We’ve worked with thousands of people, and this is a huge thing people put on the back burner or they start listing and then they stop and expect to get sales. 

This is something that you cannot do when you’re trying to get more sales to come through.


List More Items

One cool thing about this business is you can work as much or as little as you want. You can put more effort in and you’re going to see more results. But if you do want to take off for the holiday season, you totally can. You might have some sales trickle in and that’s great, but you might not. 

Over time we’ve seen that if anybody is complaining that they’re not making sales, it’s usually because they’ve listed maybe 20 items and they just stopped and then they just sat and let those items sit. They’re waiting for them to sell, but what they should be doing is continuing to list items. 

eBay loves when you are spending time on platform. If you’re on platform constantly putting new listings up, then eBay is going to view that as favorable. 


Melissa and I are not volume sellers. We sell maybe 80-100 items throughout the year. Some of the sellers that do volume sell 80-100 items in a week. When we want to get sales moving, we have to get in and we have to get items listed.

How To Build Consistency

One way to build consistency is to do things in batches that way you can easily list on a daily basis. I like to batch my tasks, so I take all the pictures, get all the descriptions, do all the listings, but I don’t set them to go out at the same time. I leave some in drafts so I can go in the rest of the week and actively list those items on different days to show consistent activity. 

For us, our goal is listing one item a day. For volume sellers, you might have to do 5, 10, or 20, depending on what your goal is for your business.

You can also start a listing challenge for 7, 10, 15, or 30 days. It’s a sprint time where you focus on getting items listed. 

If you get more listings and get your inventory higher, you will see more sales. My goal is to keep $200,000-$300,000 worth of inventory listed to make consistent sales. That averages us $80,000-$100,000 a year in gross sales. There are a lot of business models out there, so you have to know your numbers and pick a volume and goal that works for your reselling business. 

The One Thing You Can Do To Bring In More Sales Through The Holidays

What’s Holding You Back?

Your listings today are your paycheck tomorrow. The fear of mistakes might be keeping you from listing, but just go for it. You make the best progress by doing it. If you make a mistake, it’s okay because you will learn from it. 

Another thing that I am guilty of is keeping myself so busy all the time that I think I’m being productive, but I’m not focusing on things that will move the needle. Get a game plan and stick to it. Take those distractions out of your day, batch items together, and get a bunch listed.

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