Christmas Is Near! Get Stuff Listed


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Christmas is around the corner and it’s a great opportunity to make some extra money!

We just came off our five-day Flip It For Christmas challenge. We want to recap how that event went and share some tips you can use right now in your business to make a little bit of extra money before Christmas.

Flip It For Christmas Recap

We love the Flip It For Christmas challenge. It’s a lot of fun and we love seeing our members have quick $100, $300 or $500 flips just starting out with stuff they have in their house. 


The first thing we had people do was find items in their house that they are not using anymore. We started with getting those items listed so they could make some money. 

Just think of all the things that you have that you haven’t used in the last year like kitchen appliances or gadgets. If it’s sat for over a year and you have not used it, chances are you can get rid of it. Put it up for sale and make some money. 

Look in your kitchen, attic, basement, garage, or closet and find things you have not used. Exercise equipment is another great one. 


Platforms To Sell On

People ask us what platforms we use to sell and our two main platforms are Facebook Marketplace and eBay. eBay is probably 95 percent of what we sell. We do love Marketplace for some of the stuff that isn’t quite at the price point that we needed to sell on eBay and offer shipping. Anything big that’s less than $500 probably isn’t worth it for us to ship or for someone to pay shipping on, so we’ll try to sell those items locally instead. Marketplace can be great for those items. 

We’ll even cross post on eBay and Marketplace. If you list on Marketplace, ask for more than you want for the item because people love negotiating down. They want to feel like they got a deal.

The one big benefit to eBay is you don’t have to meet up with people. You don’t have to get on somebody else’s schedule. You just have to package it up and ship it out. It weeds through the flaky people that you sometimes deal with on Marketplace. 

Start Listing Items For Christmas Now

If you start listing some of those items now, they could be a Christmas present for someone else. My son is trying to sell his punching bag for $75 and he’s getting offers on it for less, but he’s waiting for $75. We’re getting more action on it right now because it’s a great Christmas present. It was his Christmas present a year or two ago and now he wants to sell it so he can make money and buy something else.

Christmas Is Near! Get Stuff Listed!

List anything that could be used at Christmas such as decorations or items that could be presents. Also start thinking about the new year. People love buying exercise equipment for the new year. 

Don’t wait until after Christmas to clear the clutter and sell items. They will sell better before the holidays and you don’t want to hold on to it for another year. So get your stuff listed, because it can only sell if it’s listed.

Show Notes

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