Matt Par YouTube Course Review – November 2023


Matt was born in the US to a middle-class family. As a student, he struggled with mental health issues, being depressed and feeling like he didn’t fit in in a school environment.

On top of it, he had no direction of where he wanted to go or what he would do. The thought of getting a job and working hard in a job he didn’t like for a paycheck like his parents did didn’t resonate with him.


He came to a point where even attending school was a struggle for him as he didn’t see any point in learning things that wouldn’t benefit him along the way.

While he was a student, he started looking for other ways to earn money. One of them was selling stuff that he bought from the dollar store, making 400% profit until his ‘business’ was shut down by the school (as he was selling on school grounds)

Today, he’s got millions of subscribers on YouTube across all his channels. He has 7,000 students enrolled in his Tube Mastery 3.0 Course and is living a fulfilling life, doing what he always wanted to do by further developing his YouTube automation business.


At the age of only 12 years old, he started his first YouTube channel, which was a prank video channel which he created for fun.

At 14, he came across a YouTube channel that was uploading faceless YouTube videos and on the same day, he started his first faceless YouTube channel, recording his voice with his mobile.

After a few months of consistently uploading videos on his new channel, one of his videos went viral, getting more than 100,000 views, and this was his sign pushing him forward to put all his effort into YouTube and make it work.


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