How to Get Sponsored on Instagram


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How to Get Instagram Sponsorship Even for Small Accounts

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Maybe you’re thinking: “Another Instagram influencer?”

That’s not for me…


Well, what if I told you that you don’t have to be a super famous star (who uploads non-stop stories on his/her Instagram profile) in order to generate an income from your IG profile?

Do you want to get featured on our Instagram profile @GoldenBloggerz? Read this short post to find out how!

First of all, let’s make sure we know what we’re talking about:


What is a Sponsored / Paid Sponsorship Instagram Post?

Currently, “Influencer Marketing” is one of the most profitable methods for companies to raise their profits.

Sometimes, it’s most profitable for brands to advertise through an Instagram member (with high engagement) rather than direct advertising through Instagram’s platform.

This way, a “sponsored post” is called when a company pays an influencer to publish a post or a story (or a series of stories) on his/her profile.

Usually, the influencer is asked to try a certain product & speak about it on his/her audience. Also, they often tag the company’s handle on the post or place a link where customers can find the product (e.g. Swipe up).

But why Brands choose this method to promote their products?

The answer is “Targeted audience”. This is the key if you want to build a profitable Instagram profile!

But what else does it take in order to make brands interested on your profile?

How to Get Instagram Paid Sponsorships?

1) Stick to a Specific Niche to Attract a Specific Audience

If you spend daily time on Instagram, you may have noticed that almost all profiles that get sponsorships have one thing in common: a specific brand/niche.

For example, let’s imagine that a company that sells make-up products wants to promote its new product on Instagram. What accounts do they want to sponsor?

  1. a) A lifestyle profile that posts about everything?
  2. b) A fashion account that posts about clothes trends?
  3. c) An influencer that posts make-up tutorials & posts?

Also Read: Blogging Networks – Βlogger Ιnfluencer Νetworks

Yes, it’s the last one, you guessed it right! Now, I hope you understand how important it is to focus on attracting a specific audience.

2) Create your Brand

Another element that all successful profiles have in common is that each one of them has its own style, theme/brand.

It’s really important that when a follower sees your post on their feed to quickly recognize it’s your post.


Use the same style or theme across all your posts. It doesn’t have to be anything super fancy or difficult to design.

Personally, I use Canva Pro to create stunning & unique images for all my Social Media platforms.

You can use the free version of Canva, but the Pro version offers more unique options so your graphics don’t look the same as thousands of others.

Some examples of pictures I created using Canva Pro:


Does Canva Pro worth it?


How to get sponsored on Instagram

Does Canva Pro worth it?

If you’re a content creator that is active across many Social Media Platforms, then it does definitely worth it!

You can create beautiful graphics for Instagram, Pinterest (stunning Pins are the key to get traffic from the platform).

The price is about $10/month, but if you’re still not sure, Canva Pro offers a totally free month so you test the service. Also, it is available on Android & IOS so you can quickly create and edit images from your smartphone!

The thing is to let your followers recognize your posts between so many different posts that show up on their feed.

Here is a list of beautiful examples & ideas to create your own using theme: Instagram-themes

This way you’re building a better relationship with your audience, resulting in:

  1. a) More likes
  2. b) More comments
  3. c) Higher overall engagement
  4. d) Eventually, Instagram’s algorithm will show your posts more often
  5. e) Raising your chances to be noticed by companies

3) Followers Matter!

No sh1t, Sherlock!

The real question is:

How to Get Followers on Instagram?

The best two ways to grow your Instagram following organically are:

a) Post often & consistently

How often should you post on Instagram?

According to Coshedule research based on 14 studies, you should post at least once per day. If you have enough content to share, you can post up to three times daily!

Posting daily and consistently can be a headache, so things get a lot easier if you use a scheduler.

Social Media schedulers are effective, that’s why they’re not free (at least the unlimited versions of them).

I suggest using Tailwind for Instagram, because it doesn’t only let you schedule your posts for days to come, but it also recommends the best hashtags to use for every one of your posts!

Another very helpful tool I use is Postcron, where is probably the best schedule for Twitter but it also offers fast scheduling for Instagram, suggesting to you what is the best time to post!

Also Read: Pinterest Strategy for Bloggers

b) Use hashtags strategically

Hashtags are actually the only way that lets new followers find your content (if you’re not a big profile already).

You can use up to 30 different hashtags per posts. I suggest you don’t use irrelevant hashtags just to reach this limit. Use as many as they’re relevant!

How to find the best hashtags to use?

How to find rhe best hashtags for Instagram

You can use a free tool like or Tag me if you’re on an Android Smartphone to gather quickly the most popular hashtags for the word you want. These tools are just examples; I’m not an affiliate or anything. There are many similar tools available through a quick Google search!

However, you should not use only hashtags with millions of posts, because your content will get buried quickly.

Instead, try to use a mix of popular and less popular hashtags.

For example, use some with 50k posts, some with 100k-200k posts, some with 300k+ posts & even some with less than 50k posts.

Don’t forget that if you have a “Creator” Instagram account you can check your analytics in order to find how many accounts discovered your post through a hashtag.

Unfortunately, you cannot see which specific hashtag brings the most exposure.

Tip: Don’t use the exact same hashtags on every post. Instead, try to create & save groups of hashtags ( after you do some research using the tools above). This way, you can copy-paste a different group every time you post to save time!

How Many Followers Do You Need to Get an Instagram Sponsorship?

I know some Bloggers that got sponsored with fewer than 2k followers, so practically you can get a sponsorship with about 1k followers only.

However, keep in mind that the higher your following is, the higher the price will be.

What Is The Average Price for a Sponsored Post on Instagram?

The average price for a sponsored Instagram post is $10 per 1k followers (sometimes $5-$10).

For example, if you have 5k followers, you should be paid about $50 (or at least $25) in order to publish a sponsored post.

If your profile receives higher-than-average engagement, don’t be afraid to politely raise your price, along with offering them an extra bonus (like a few additional stories)

Tip: Never buy fake followers. They’re worthless bots/fake accounts & brands use software to detect if your followers are real or fake bots!

How to Find Brands to Work with on Instagram

Except for waiting for brands to offer a sponsorship to your profile, there are three other strategies you can use to attract more eyeballs on your profile:

Strategy #1: Reach out to Brands & offer your services

If you’re new to the online industry this you may feel a bit awkward about this strategy, but there’s nothing wrong with it. This is actually how Freelancers & content creators make a living online.

Also Read: How to Make Money on Snapchat

I used this method as well when I started freelance writing online and I was able to make more than $3k in about a month!

How to pitch brands to sponsor you on Instagram

When you first start out, it’s better to focus on smaller brands.

  • Write down a list with some companies you’d like to work with
  • Get some ideas from similar influencers on the same niche as you. What brands do they sponsor?

After, send an email (if they include it on their profile) or simply an Instagram DM (direct message).

In your message, you should include:

  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • Any achievements you have in the field or similar jobs you have done before
  • Explain why you’re a good fit
  • Mention how many followers you have and they’re all interested in your niche

That’s it!

It doesn’t sound hard, right?

However, don’t get discouraged if you receive negative answers or no answers at all.

Keep working on your pitch & sending messages. Sooner or later, you’ll get a sponsorship!

Strategy #2: Mention brands on your posts

Remember that it’s totally fine to start small. If you want to promote sunglasses, don’t tag Ray-ban on your first post.

Focus on smaller/start-up companies that are active on Instagram.

This way, you put yourself under their radar & hopefully their competitors’ radar!

Further, you can send them a message after you tagged their brand on your posts. Offer them some more posts or stories in exchange for a sponsorship.

If they see that they are already receiving followers and sales from your post, they will probably in to cooperate with you!

Strategy #3: Use Networks/Sites that Connect Brands with Instagram Users

These networks actually have listed offers and sponsorships from brands. If you fill the criteria you can accept an offer and post the relevant post. They offer simple instructions on how to do it so you don’t get confused.

The downside is that these networks often pay lower than average, but it’s a good method to start a few jobs. Later, you can include these jobs on your pitch has so you look more experienced.

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Summary: How to Get Instagram Sponsorship for Small Accounts

In order to get Instagram sponsorships, you’ll need to find your niche and create your theme.

After, you should focus on posting consistently and on obtaining more followers using the methods discusses above.

Last but not least. Don’t forget to pitch companies and tag them on your posts in order to grab their attention!

If you had any success on this subject, I’d be very happy to listen about it on the comments below!

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