10 Best Woodworking Side Hustle Ideas


The key to a good side hustle is something that you can do with your existing skill set or something that you already enjoy doing. If you enjoy woodworking as a hobby, you could have the best of both worlds and develop a lucrative gig. There are some fantastic woodworking side hustle ideas that could help you to create an additional income stream or give you some extra cash each month. So, here we’ll explore some of the best ideas for your woodworking side hustle.

Start Making Tutorial Videos

There are lots of people on the internet who want to improve their skill set. From basic woodworking skills to more advanced techniques, being able to explain woodworking projects fully in a tutorial video can be a highly popular side hustle. 


One of the most obvious platforms to put your tutorial videos is YouTube. Although this will not provide instant cash, you could build up a decent income stream and earn money woodworking in the long term. There is the potential to generate thousands of dollars each month with consistent work. Just be sure to familiarize yourself with the YouTube terms of service. Unlike when YouTube first launched, you can’t simply upload a video and start making ad revenue. You need to meet the subscriber and minimum views before you qualify for ad revenue. 

However, if you’re in this woodworking business for the long term, and you develop a following, it could be a good side hustle for you. You will need to consider how you shoot and edit your videos, but you could offer tutorials according to the woodworking projects you were planning to make in your woodshop. 

Become a Podcaster

macbook pro on brown wooden table

Podcasting is similar to making tutorial videos for YouTube, but there is less editing time. Podcasting has really taken off in recent years and many people listen to podcasts rather than music on their morning commute or while they are completing chores. 

You can use your podcast to discuss all aspects of woodworking including DIY, furniture making and carpentry. You will need a good-quality microphone and audio editing software, but you can decide the length and topic of each podcast. 

Just be aware that you may need to put some thought into your marketing efforts. The main podcasting platforms don’t typically recommend random podcasts, so you will need to support your podcast via social media or other marketing strategies to gain some traction. 

However, once you’re established, there is the potential to not only make money through downloads but also through sponsorship deals. 

Create a Blog

If you don’t fancy being in front of the camera or microphone, you could create a blog as your woodworking side hustle. As with the previous hustles, you will need to build up an audience, but you can write about your favorite aspects of woodworking. 

You can run a blog around your day job discussing woodworking projects, and providing that you post on a regular basis, you can build up an impressive site that attracts visitors. 

One potential downside to blogging is that many readers don’t like ads, making monetization a little tricky. However, this may not apply to a woodworking blog, since your readers are likely to be interested in the tools and equipment needed to replicate your wood projects. This means that your blog could not only be ad-friendly, but you could become an affiliate and earn a percentage each time one of your readers clicks through your link to buy an item. 

Create and Sell Online Courses

With your impressive knowledge in the woodworking business, you could share your experience with the world as an online course creator. You don’t need to have formal teaching qualifications, providing that you have the writing and photography skills to create easy-to-follow courses. 

“How to” courses that guide students through steps to achieve a goal are the most popular type of online courses and this model fits woodworking perfectly. You can decide on the length and complexity of each course. So, you could break down various aspects of woodworking into a series of courses. 

There are many places where you can sell your online course. Many also allow you to add affiliate partners who will promote your courses. Once your course is uploaded, there is the potential to generate an impressive residual income stream. However, you can also update your course periodically so the content stays relevant and fresh. 

This is not a get-rich-quick avenue, as it does take time to create your course and promote it. However, if you’re patient and good at explaining things to novices, you could earn 30% to 60% of your course price with every sale. 

Build and Sell Furniture

Women in Plaid Dress Shirts Working Together in a Workshop

Whether you’re making solid floating shelves, planter boxes, or coffee tables, quality furniture has universal appeal. Building and selling your own furniture can be a good way to not only enjoy your hobby but also make some extra money and create a lucrative woodworking side hustle. You could even specialize in a particular type of furniture. 

Of course, handcrafted furniture is going to cost more than cheap, home assembly furniture from big box stores, so you will need to market to a particular target audience. But there will always be some people who are willing to pay more money for quality. 

You can build and sell individual woodworking projects and pieces on eBay, Craigslist or Facebook, but you may prefer to have your own e-commerce site. In all cases, you will need to take great photographs of your wood projects and write a compelling sales page or ad. However, you can set your own prices, just remember to consider not only the materials, but your time when you price your wood projects. 

Flip Old Furniture

These days, more people appreciate recycling, yet there always seems to be someone throwing out or giving away a tired piece of furniture that simply needs some TLC. You will need to be proactive to scour Facebook marketplace, Craigslist, estate sales and even dumpster diving sites to find your potential pieces. However, with your woodworking skills, you should find it quite simple to revitalize old furniture, so they hold appeal for potential customers. 

Even something as simple as sanding and refinishing an old piece of furniture can immediately increase its resale value. But, you may need to do a little repair work to make it properly functional. You will need to assess the time you spent on each of the woodworking projects to include in your pricing. 

Once you have your items finished, Facebook Marketplace tends to be a good place to find a buyer, but you could also consider eBay and other platforms. Don’t forget to select local pick up only, as shipping costs are likely to negate all of your potential profits. But overall, flipping old furniture is one of the most profitable woodworking projects you can get into to earn extra money.

Sell Woodworking Photos

If you also enjoy photography, you can combine it with your woodworking hobby to sell photos as your side hustle. Believe it or not, there is a massive market for all types of photographs, and selling your images as stock photos could mean that they end up on websites for businesses, blogs and more. 

There are a number of platforms where you can sell your woodworking photos including Shutterstock, iStock and DepositPhotos. You’ll typically earn $0.02 to $0.05 per image per month. This isn’t a massive amount, but if you can build up a large portfolio, you could generate a decent profit.

Write and Sell Your Own Woodworking Ebook

man in white crew neck t-shirt using laptop computer

If you have solid writing skills, you could consider writing and selling your own woodworking ebook. Amazon KDP has made it easy for anyone to self publish a book, but there are other platforms such as Lulu and Book Baby where you could produce physical copies. 

In addition to earning commission on each book sale, you can add links in ebooks. You can even link to your blog, podcast or social media pages to promote your woodworking business. 

Whether you want to write a non-fiction woodworking guide or use your woodworking experience for inspiration for a fiction book, the possibilities are endless. If you’re using Amazon KDP, you can sign up in a matter of minutes and Amazon has a number of resources to help you correctly format your book and ensure that you adhere to the platform’s rules. 

Since Amazon is such a massive marketplace, you have instant access to a large audience and if you can rank on the bestseller list in your niche, your books will be promoted on the site when people search for similar content. 

Offer Carpentry Classes

If you prefer one-to-one or speaking to small groups, you could offer carpentry classes. There may be lots of people in your local area who would like to learn more about woodworking techniques. Many beginners find the prospect of using woodworking tools a little daunting, so you can provide them with the benefit of your experience and expertise. 

You can advertise classes in your local area or even offer free introductory workshops to generate some interest if you have sufficient space in your workshop. 

The great thing about this side hustle is that your classes can grow with your students. While you may start out with the basics, within a few classes you could have them tackling more complex projects or something more in-depth. You may even get people returning for more advanced classes as their confidence grows. 

Sell Customized Wood Products 

ladles on round brown wooden plate lot

There is actually a massive market for customized items on platforms such as Etsy, ShopHandmade and others. Handmade wood items sell throughout the year. Many of these wooden items are cheap to make, but you can sell them at a large profit. Whether you make wooden toys, cutting boards, picture frames or decorations, these small items, often made from scrap wood, can be quite inexpensive to make and ship yet your customers will enjoy having a fairly unique, handcrafted item. 

You could even offer personalization as an upscale product, which would make them even more unique. Custom signs, wooden name puzzles and other custom pieces can cost a pretty penny, so they are a great idea for a profitable woodworking business. If you’re very creative, you could create a wood carving wall art made from reclaimed wood that delivers a wow factor. Selling just a few pieces of custom wood art each week could add up to a profitable online store.

Online store websites and marketplaces like Etsy are easy to start and with minimal computer skills, you can create an attractive store to advertise your products. The initial Etsy costs are reasonable with just $0.20 as a listing fee. When you make a sale, a 6.5% transaction fee applies to the price for the listing plus delivery fees. 

This means that if you want to try out new wood products to see if there is a demand, you’re only risking 20 cents, as you’ll only pay more if you make a sale! You could also start selling at craft fairs to showcase your handmade items.


Woodworking is a great hobby or profession, but it can also provide inspiration for a lucrative side hustle. While many of the woodworking side hustle ideas we’ve covered here may not provide an instant income, they can be worked around your hobby and interests, developing into a decent income stream over time. 

So, have a think about what profitable woodworking projects and ideas you feel comfortable with. If you’d feel happy to be on camera and you already have some nice photography equipment, consider video tutorials or a blog. If you prefer to remain more anonymous, consider a blog, course or ebook. However, if you prefer face-to-face interactions, you could teach. The possibilities are endless and with a little imagination, you can find a side hustle that is the perfect option for you. 

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