20 Brilliant Dad Blogs That Are Doing It Right in 2023


In a world full of mom bloggers, do dad bloggers even exist?

They sure do! And they’re rocking the blogosphere with their amazing content and advice.


Even as a woman and a mom, I love checking out dad blogs to gain perspective on the other side of parenting.

It’s fascinating to see the differences and similarities between motherhood and fatherhood!


If you’re a dad thinking about starting a blog or just want to check out how other fathers handle parenthood, I’ve put together a list of brilliant dad blogs that are doing it right in 2023.

Let’s check them out!

What is a Dad Blogger?

A dad blogger is a parent who writes online content related to fatherhood.


While most dad bloggers write about their kids and what it means to be a dad, some foray into interesting topics like cars, sports, tech, cooking, and more!

You’ll find dad blogs about finances and dad blogs about social issues that affect today’s children.

Basically, a dad blogger is just like a mom blogger, except they are writing for a different audience and sharing information related to fatherhood.

However, a lot of the parenting advice is amazing and can definitely benefit moms as well!

Now that you know what a dad blogger is, let’s look at some awesome dad blogs that are doing it right in 2023.

Check Out These Awesome Dad Blogs

No matter what niche they are in, they are all dads that talk about being healthy, give parenting advice, talk about gadgets and apps and more!

1. Lunchbox Dad

Just like the name sounds, Lunchbox Dad is all about creative and healthy lunches for kids. It all started when blogger dad Beau decided to create special-themed lunches for his kids every Monday and then started sharing his creations online.

2. Go Fatherhood

Go Fatherhood is a blog for single dads who are looking for parenting advice, especially when it comes to raising teens. You’ll find lots of great information about dating, puberty, and helping teenagers with the many struggles they face at their age.

3. Wilderdad

Wilderdad is a dad blog about parenting, nature, and physical health. It’s a great blog for dads who like to lead an active lifestyle.

4. That Dad Blog

On That Dad Blog, you’ll find stories from a father of six who shares stories about the struggles and joys of being a father. This dad has a child with Down Syndrome, so he offers advice about parenting a child with special needs.

5. The New Dad

The New Dad is a blog for fathers who are looking for ways to become more frugal and save money. If you’re looking for dad blogs about budgeting, you should definitely check this one out.

6. The Dad Pad

The Dad Pad was first launched as an app to provide dads with information from fatherhood to aspects of baby care like breastfeeding. This is a great dad blog about mental health that you should check out!

7. Ruddy Bits

Ruddy Bits is written by a dad of four who writes simply to share his story of fatherhood. It’s a great blog to follow, especially if you have older kids who are close to or have already fled the nest. His writing style is a combination of empathy and advice.

8. Diary of the Dad

Diary of the Dad was started in 2010 and explores the world of fatherhood by giving insight into the ups and downs of raising children. From insightful to hilarious, this is definitely one of the best dad blogs to check out.

9. Casey Palmer – Canadian Dad

Casey Palmer is a Black Canadian dad that proudly embraces his heritage and shares useful and insightful information and advice related to fatherhood. It has gained popularity among multiracial and multicultural families.

10. GeekDad

If you’re looking for dad blogs about technology, gadgets, and all things nerdy, then check out GeekDad! There isn’t a whole lot of parenting advice but tons of great information about games and tech geared toward dads.

11. HighTechDad

Here’s another dad blog about technology! HighTechDad focuses on everyday technology and gadgets that make parenting less stressful. You’ll also find some great how-to guides and instructions for fixing things.

12. Paternal Damnation

Paternal Damnation is a dad blog that approaches fatherhood with a sense of humor. You’ll find a range of articles, from parenting advice and financial advice.

13. Days of a Domestic Dad

Days of a Domestic Dad isn’t just a blog for dads, it’s a blog for all parents! This blogger writes about his children and parenting but also covers cars, travel, and tech.

14. I’m Not Grandpa

This dad blog is run by an older father who has a special needs child. He is an Autism advocate who writes about the ups and downs of raising children.

So, if you have an Autistic child, I’m Not Grandpa is a great blog to check out.

15. The Dad Website

The Dad Website has a team of blogging dads who share insightful stories, useful advice, and dad jokes. It’s also a great dad blog if you are looking for ways to teach your kids new skills.

16. Daddy’s Digest

Daddy’s Digest is a dad blog full of experiences and stories from around the world. Here you’ll find good advice about fatherhood and interesting life experiences.

17. Designer Daddy

On Designer Daddy, you’ll find lots of LGBTQ content and informative parenting articles. So if you are an LGBTQ parent, this blog is perfect! But if you aren’t, you’ll find tons of useful advice about parenthood.

18. Social Dad

Social Dad is run by a social media and digital marketing specialist that offers tons of help and information for dads. If you’re looking for a lifestyle change or some insightful opinion pieces, this is one of those dad blogs you should take a look at.

19. Dad Fixes Everything

Dad Fixes Everything is a dad blog about DIYs and fixing things. It also offers tons of valuable information about parenthood, from what to do if your child drinks spoiled milk to how to reward kids based on science.

20. The Good-Bad Dad

From adoption to product reviews, Good-Bad Dad offers lots of lifestyle and parenting advice. This blogger shares his experiences as a good-bad dad in a way that is authentic and refreshing.

How to Start a Dad Blog

If you’ve been inspired by these dad blogs and want to start your own, that’s awesome!

Even though I’m here to help mom bloggers find success, I would love to help fathers start their blogs as well.

Apart from checking out my starting a blog guide, here are some quick steps to get started:

1. Research Current Dad Bloggers

And here you are! Checking out other dad blogs will help you get a feel for the online environment for dad bloggers.

You can also see what you like and don’t like about their blogs so you can come up with ideas for your own.

2. Find a Niche

With so many bloggers out there, both moms and dads, you really need a niche in order to stand out and get noticed.

A niche is what your blog focuses on, and it will help you draw in a steady and loyal audience.

Some examples of niches are dad blogs about being a single dad, raising a teenage daughter, sharing custody, and more.

3. Create a Blog

Now you can start to create your actual blog using a blogging platform and hosting service.

Again, my complete guide will walk you through the entire process!

4. Create Social Media Profiles

Social media is the best place to promote your blog to other parents since so many of them are on platforms like Facebook and TikTok nowadays.

Create your profiles (I’d stick to a couple to start out with) and keep your blog image (i.e., brand) the same across all platforms.

You can then use your accounts to promote new content, connect with your audience, and get a feel for the type of information they are looking for.

5. Build Traffic

This is probably the hardest part of starting a blog and takes the most time, but it’s definitely doable and worth it!

Use SEO writing strategies, social media, and consistent content to draw in readers and build your traffic.

Sound confusing? You can always check out my course Ready Set Blog for Traffic to learn how this is done!

6. Monetize Your Blog

Once you build some traffic, why not make money from your blog?

You can find brands that will pay to sponsor your content, place ads around your site, or use affiliate marketing to earn commission on products and services.

The possibilities are endless!

Dad Blogs Rock!

Whether you’re a dad looking for insight or a mom interested in what parenting looks like from the other side, you need to check out these dad blogs!

And if you want to start your own dad blogs, you can definitely take inspiration from these ones.

What about you? Do you have a favorite dad blog to add to the list? Add it in the comments below!

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