Best Blogging Course To Make Money


Are you trying to find the right blogging course for your new side hustle but wondering which is the best blogging course to make money?

The truth is that there are tones of blogging courses out there that will teach you how to write a blog post or how to start your own WordPress website, but, and this is a very BIG BUT, most of them won’t teach you how to make money from your blog and how to get to that point of monetization as fast as you can. And isn’t that the whole point of starting a blog?


There are several options you can make money with a blog, from advertising to affiliate marketing and selling your own products (check the post ‘How to Sell Digital Downloads on Etsy‘ if you want to start selling digital products with zero investment).

If you decided to start your own blog as a side hustle and for you to be able to quit your 9 to 5 as fast as you can and turn your blog into a full-time income, then this post is for you!

To save you precious time and money when picking the best blogging course, here is a list of the best blogging course to make money.


What is The Best Blogging Course to Make Money?

If you really want to turn your blog into more than just a side hustle and be able to quit your job as fast as you can, you would need to go through a blogging course with someone who not only knows how to blog but has built a successful business out of it, making the amount of money that you want. So let’s dive right in and see which are the best blogging courses that you should consider.

Here is the best blogging course to make money


By Sophia Lee Blogging Course


What Will You Learn


Perfecting Blogging course includes – 

  • A clear guide on how to find your niche! The one that is going to be most successful for you.
  • Return on Investment – major focus on ROI and how to make every post you make worth your time.
  • How to achieve a designed professional look for your website in less than a $100 investment and with no technical skills.
  • Content planning – from A to Z, everything is planned out for you before you start writing.
  • The only 3 post templates you need to have a successful blog and a step-by-step guide on how to use them.
  • A clear checklist for what to include on every post.
  • How to use your blog to make money with affiliate marketing
  • SEO (search engine optimization) guide – how to rank your website on Google
  • Mindset lessons – how to stay motivated, what to focus on when building your blog and how to deal with common blogging challenges.


The Instructor – About By Sophia Lee

Her blog reached over 100,000 monthly pages in the first year of her blog, and today her blog makes over $1 million a year!

Sophia Lee started her blog when she was only 19 yrs, from her dorm room, as a side hustle to help with her college tuition. Working on her blog constantly and treating her blog as a full-time job while being a college student has brought her to run a successful 7 figure business, building a team of 6 employees. 


Sophia Lee’s Course Content

  • Sophia Lee’s course includes over 43 chapters of content, all of which are video pieces of training recorded by Sophia Lee herself
  • Plenty of printables to use to make your work more efficient, from content calendars and keyword research templates to branding guides and branding boards to use for your new business.


Course support

Access to By Sophia Lee’s private Facebook group will give you answers to all the questions that start popping up in your mind while you go through the course or work on your blog. A supporting community of bloggers that went through the same path and can give you guidance and advice every time you are feeling stuck. Sophia Lee’s team members are also in the group answering questions, and Sophia herself visits the group every week, helping with answers to students’ questions.


What are the bonuses?

  • Lifetime access to the course, and THIS IS HUGE – lifetime access to all the course updates! For free!
  • Free Guides, templates and checklists for you to work with on a weekly basis – making all the processes smooth and easy to follow. Some examples are Branding Guides (for Canva and Adobe Illustrator), Content Calendars, Keyword Research Template, Blog Post Checklist and more.


Who is this course for?

This is the best blogging course for beginners that start their blog for the first time and also for bloggers who are already managing their blog but don’t see the results they want. If you are a busy working mom, blogging is one of the most flexible side hustles you can do from home.

By Sophia Lee Course Review

I have gone through the Perfecting Blogging course 3 times already because every time I go over the course, I find some new useful tools to implement in my blog.

Besides the fact that this is a super detailed course that will guide you step by step towards building a profitable and successful blog around your passion, there are some special nuggets in this course that you won’t find in any other blogging course.

Let’s look at some of the unique things you can only find in By Sophia Lee Perfecting Blogging course –

  1. Deep dive into the state of mind you would need to start a successful blog and how to overcome all the obstacles on the way.
  1. Tones of useful tips on how to make your blog and your images look top-notch, making your blog look professional from day 1 – this absolutely has a tremendous impact on your bottom line and your conversion rate and is usually something that is overlooked in most blogging courses where they only focus on bringing the traffic.
  1. Adding a unique flare of Sophia’s personality, sharing all her secrets, her successes and failures, and everything she went through on the way to having a million-dollar blog, so you can easily implement her tips and be on your way to building a successful blog.


Perfecting Blogging Course Cost

The cost of the Perfecting Blogging course, including the bonuses and lifetime access to all the training and course updates, is $169, which makes it affordable for any beginner blogger to start learning and making progress fast. 

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