By Sophia Lee Perfecting Blogging Course Review-October 2023


Perfecting Blogging Course Cost

The cost of Sophia Lee’s blogging course is a one-time payment of $169. So affordable when starting your own business! No need to pay thousands of dollars to start a business online and truly be successful.

The value of the information in the course is far beyond what you paid, no doubt about it!


What’s included in this price?

On top of the training, strategies and tips, you get plenty of bonuses to make your work so much more efficient and also to help you be consistent with your blog.

A lifetime update to the course? These days no one does that. Endless updates every year. Sophia is constantly making efforts not only to update the course regularly but also to improve the course. Once you’ve purchased the course – you will have access to all those upgrades and updates.


Get support for all your questions via the Facebook group! No one wants to stay alone with a course without having anyone to ask questions along the way because, as we know it, questions will pop up in your head when you start implementing the material. This is where you can ask all your questions and get support when you encounter challenges, and this is all included in the one-time payment you made when you bought the course.

Are there any tools that Sophia recommends that require further investment?
Besides setting up your blog and connecting it to hosting + paying for a very cheap keyword research tool (all of these together sum up to below $100 investment!), Sophia is recommending free tools to use (from how to organise your content calendar to which graphic design software to use).

Once in a while, she mentions other tools but emphasizes that it is absolutely not a must to use at this point, and you can achieve great success with your blog without them (as she only used free tools at the beginning of her blogging journey). Further down the line, if you would want to do things faster, you can add paid tools, but again these are only ‘nice to have’ and not a must.



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