LGBTQ+ Books to Help Navigate Money, Work, & Beyond


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Last Updated on June 12, 2023 by Daniella

There are plenty of self help books out there, but when you’re in a minority or marginalized group, like LGBTQ+ folks are, it often feels like the advice tailored for the majority doesn’t apply to the unique challenges faced by the queer community. That’s why LGBTQ+ people (like myself) need books centered around queer lives to help us navigate money, work, life, and other self-help topics.

Yes, of course we can still get advice from classic finance like “What Color is Your Parachute”, but does it cover how to navigate queerphobia while job seeking or how to transition in the workplace? Obviously not. 


Thankfully, more professionals are noticing this information gap, and there are now more books than ever to help LGBTQ folks even the playing field and succeed in ways we’ve never been able to before now.

Even if you’re not queer, many of these books are helpful reads, especially folks in marginalized groups or allies who want to better support the LGBTQ+ people in their lives.

12 LGBTQ+ Centred Books to Inspire You in Business, Money, and Life

To help you navigate life, money, and work as a queer person here’s some of the best LGBTQ+ focused books and memoirs to guide and inspire your unique journey:


Seen, Heard, and Paid: The New Work Rules for the Marginalized

Written by acclaimed Black writer Alan Henry, Seen, Heard, and Paid provides helpful tools for anyone dealing with maginalization and microaggressions in the workplace. Drawing from personal experience and expert consults, Henry offers practical tips for people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, and women to overcome social barriers to career advancement. 

Brand With Purpose: Find Your Passion, Stay True to Your Story, and Accelerate Your Career

brand with purpose book cover

Ivan Estrada, a gay Latino, skyrocketed a career in real estate through relentless self confidence and perseverance. Written for entrepreneurs and those who want to climb the career ladder, Brand With Purpose helps you discover your own personal brand that will help shape your future success.

F*ck Your Comfort Zone: Take a Risk & Become the Lead in Your Own Life

Maggie Harber is both an accomplished acting coach and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and this book brings her unique perspective (and senses of humor) into the self help sphere. If you’re feeling like you need motivation to make a change in any part of your life, F*ck Your Comfort Zone is a must-read.

Pride Leadership: Strategies for the LGBTQ+ Leader to be the King or Queen of Their Jungle

Pride book cover

Navigating the workplace as a member of the LGBTQ+ community is tricky enough, but it’s even more challenging when you’re in a leadership role. Written by Dr. Steve Yacovelli, Pride Leadership identifies the main qualities that make up an effective leader, and offers advice on how queer folks can harness their past experiences to hone these skills in the workplace. 

Transitioning in the Workplace: A Guidebook

transitioning in the workplace book cover

Written by a trans woman based on her own experience, Transitioning in the Workplace serves as a much needed guidebook to help navigate going through gender transition at work. It also provides information on the HR side of gender transition, making it a useful tool for both employees (to self advocate) and employers (to form proactive policies.) 

It’s About Damn Time: How to Turn Being Underestimated into Your Greatest Advantage

It's about damn time book cover

With no connections, finance background, or college degree, how exactly did Arlan Hamilton, a Black LGBTQ+ female venture capitalist, break into Silicon Valley and get her business off the ground? It started with working twice as hard, but in It’s About Damn Time she shares how being underestimated was also a strength; one that gave her the tools to jump ahead in the long run.

In Transit: Being Non-Binary in a World of Dichotomies

While it’s not specifically related to work or money, In Transit is a great read for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of non-binary identities. Whether you’re an ally, non-binary, or questioning your own identity this book is part memoir, part discussion, but wholly enlightening on this underrepresented part of the LGBTQ+ community.

A Legal Guide for Lesbian & Gay Couples

The legal guide book cover

It’s not the most fun book on this list, but A Legal Guide for Lesbian & Gay Couples is a much-needed resource for LGBTQ+ couples building a life together. Published in 2020 with up to date information, it covers some of the legal aspects of adding children to your same-sex family, purchasing joint assets, and other ways queer folks need to establish their relationship in the eyes of the law.

The Queer Advantage: Conversations with LGBTQ+ Leaders on the Power of Identity

the queer advantage red book cover

Featuring passages from queer celebrities like George Takei and Margaret Cho, The Queer Advantage reframes some of the negative thoughts we experience as queer people into productive, actionable steps. Whether you need help navigating your own internalized homophobia, leveraging your differences to open up new doors to success, or finding other queer people to support you, these personal stories will help motivate you to harness the power of your own queer identity and use it to succeed. 

Perfectly Queer: Facing Big Fears, Living Hard Truths, and Loving Myself Fully Out of the Closet

perfectly queer book cover

Anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ knows that the path to self discovery is rarely linear, and that couldn’t be more true for Jillian Abby .Her memoir, Perfectly Queer, takes you along her journey from perfect suburban wife to coming out as a lesbian and upheaving it all. No matter where you are on your queer journey, books like this can help inspire you to be yourself; even if it means a major change.

Are We Free Yet?: The Black Queer Guide to Divorcing America

are we fee yet book cover

Written by queer, influencer, and antiracism advocate Tina Strawn, Are We Free Yet? Is full of personal stories about being being queer and Black in America, plus guides the reader to finding freedom and happiness within their own unique self. 

Queer Career: Sexuality and Work in Modern America

queer career book cover

Queer Career re-analyzes the history of LGBT people in American workplaces through a modern lens; including how gay workers were treated foreshadowed the many workplace challenges affecting all workers in our late-stage capitalism society of today.

More LGBTQ+ money & career resources:

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