How To Overcome Analysis Paralysis In Your Business


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Let’s talk about how to overcome analysis paralysis so you can make more money in your reselling business. 

We just got off a listing challenge where we helped people work toward making $250 from flipping and we had a blast with them. One of the questions that we asked though was what is stopping you from making more money in your flipping business? 

A very common theme that kept coming up is analysis paralysis. 


What Is Analysis Paralysis? 

Analysis paralysis means you’re overthinking before you take action. It could be thinking so much that you don’t ever take action. You’re paralyzed in fear by things that could go wrong or factors you didn’t think about. Analysis paralysis shouldn’t stop you from making money in this business. There are some things you can do to combat it. 

Find A Coach Or Mentor

Melissa and I do this every single year. We have at least one or two coaches that we’re paying to help us get results in our business, help us get better at flipping and our digital stuff. We’re always trying to move forward in both of our businesses. That is our goal as coaches ourselves too. We want to always be growing and getting better. 

You could do a full coaching program with someone or you could read a book or listen to a podcast. 


Get An Accountability Partner

This could be a friend, a spouse (if you’re well aligned), or another flipper. Pick somebody who knows what you’re doing and somebody who wants to walk that journey with you. This will totally crush analysis paralysis because you can work off of each other. 

It’s so much better to do it with somebody. We love doing listing challenges to help our members out or even get motivated ourselves. 

Let Go Of Being Perfect

This is something we struggle with. We like things a certain way and it can be hard to let go of things. We’ve been working at it though and it’s probably how we’ve been able to grow more and even do this podcast. If we were afraid of being imperfect, we wouldn’t be at over 200 episodes!

How To Overcome Analysis Paralysis In Your Business

You have to let go of being perfect because your business is not going to be perfect in the beginning. You’ll make mistakes. You don’t have to know everything.

You can always improve, but don’t let that fear of being imperfect keep you from getting started.

The more you do something, the better you will get. 

Take Messy Action

It’s okay to make mistakes in your business. That’s another reason why we are big promoters of getting smaller items listed first. You don’t want to be making a $2,000 mistake. Make those mistakes on smaller dollar items. List 20 items that are $20 or less. When you’re starting off, you want to get the whole process down from start to finish, from pictures to fulfillment.

You want to totally get that stuff under your belt before you go to the next level and you want to make all the mistakes that you’re going to make in the beginning.

Don’t let analysis paralysis hold you back from finding success in your flipping business!

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