10 Life Hacks From Flea Market Flipper


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Can you get more productive in your day with life hacks? We think you can, so we’re going to share 10 life hacks from Flea Market Flipper. Not all of these may work for you, but we encourage you to take a look and see which ones might fit for you. Some of these can lead to more motivation and energy in your reselling business!

#1 Exercise Regularly

We all know exercise is important, but a hack that we use is getting it done first thing in the morning. Or if you’re someone who likes to work out at night, do it then. Just have a specific time of day and make a commitment to do it regularly at that designated time. 

Even going for a walk every day can help. We started walking after Brody was born. We start the morning off every day with a walk, then a jog, then another walk to cool down.


On those walks or jogs we also listen to motivational stuff like podcasts or books. We’ll listen to anything that we can while we are either walking or while we are running to help keep us motivated. This has been our daily routine for the last seven years. 

#2 Eating Decently

Eating decently can help you feel better and be more motivated. We don’t eat perfectly, but we start the day with a protein shake. Then we choose, for the most part, good foods. This helps with our energy levels. 

#3 Avoid Decision Fatigue

If you can avoid decision fatigue by choosing some of the same things, it helps so much. How many decisions do you make in a day? We avoid some of them by wearing the same clothes or eating the same food. Those things work for us and we can reduce the energy we’re putting towards those decisions and put them into our business instead. 


#4 Not Caring What Others Think

This is hard, but if you can do it, it’s so freeing. So many people in our society want to have the latest gadget, car, or clothes because they’re worried about fitting in and what society thinks. You shouldn’t really care about what other people think about you. Don’t go into debt because you need to have the latest Tesla. We have cars that are 20 years old and they work. Sometimes we have to fix them, but we take care of them and we’re fine with them. 

It doesn’t really matter what anybody thinks about you. Worrying about that will only drop your bank account lower because you’re trying to keep up with the Joneses and that kind of stuff.

#5 Grocery Shop Online

This is a time and money hack for us. We order our groceries online and then go pick them up. It’s only $2 extra for us to have someone else shop for us. It saves us money because we’re not browsing the aisles adding more to our carts, we make healthier decisions, and we’re often just repeating the orders from week to week which makes it super quick to do. 

10 Life Hacks From Flea Market Flipper

#6 Batch Your Work

This is something that can be a huge time saver for resellers. Do your tasks in batches as much as possible. Take seven pictures of three different items so your pictures are all done. Then you can batch the listings. And then you can have the posts ready to go so you can list one per day without having to take pictures each day.

You work for a day, get your drafts set up, and then it’s a lot faster. 

#7 Take Off Sundays

Sundays are a day for us to rest and recharge. Everyone needs a day off. Pick one that works for you, and try to avoid scheduling things or working. Allow yourself to take a slow day, breathe, rest, or do things you enjoy, so you can recharge for the week ahead.

#8 Don’t Overplan Your Schedule

In today’s society it’s easy to feel like you have to do everything everywhere. That’s how you get burned out. We want the kids to do things they love and be involved, but if every second of the day is planned, it’s hard to find time to enjoy the small moments and it’s easy to get stressed. We try not to over plan during the week; we do more stuff on the weekends typically. Don’t overcommit yourself.

#9 Turn Off Social Media Notifications

Social media has a time and a place, but it’s easy to get sucked into it and invest way too much time scrolling. Turn off your notifications and check it when you choose to check it. Instead of it owning you, you own your time that way. 

We also did this with the news. The news is full of negativity that was impacting our days, so we decided to turn it off. If something major happens, we’ll find out about it from social media or a friend, so we’re not missing anything.

#10 Plan A Vacation

We stay motivated by having a vacation planned. We work hard toward that vacation and then we take a break. It doesn’t have to be a huge vacation. Think about a weekend away or even an overnight trip if you need to start small. Plan something you’re looking forward to and know what your goals are that you have to meet to be able to take that vacation.

We like to plan vacations throughout the year. Sometimes we pair work with our vacations. We’re going to a conference soon, but that’s relaxing and rejuvenating and Melissa and I will get to spend time away while investing in our business. 

That’s been a huge hack for us to be able to not only just get out of the daily grind, but it gives you more motivation to work harder in those short spurts. 

Give these hacks a try and see which ones work for you!

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