How 5 chapters made impact in their local community


It has been a year of growth and impact for Grow Remote chapters.

At the beginning of 2022, it was a challenge to even organise an offline meet-up due to Covid restrictions. Our local chapters have come a long way this year and we are delighted to be able to support the inspiring grassroots changemakers across the Grow Remote community.


Throughout the year, we have wtinessed so many wonderful events and we have been lucky to support transformational activity happening in local communities across Ireland.

In this blog post, we wanted to share with you just some of the recent community highlights in 5 local chapters from the past few weeks.

Happy Christmas from the full Grow Remote team!

1) Enniscorthy chapter

On Thursday 15th December, local volunteer and remote work advocate Salvatore Usai hosted a local clinic all about remote work. The info session took place in the Enniscorthy Public Library on one of the coldest nights of the year.


There were lots of different types of people in the room, coming from a variety of career backgrounds including banking, childcare and management. There were also two people who travelled more than 20 kilometres to attend this clinic. This shows the value of this information to the local community.

Salvatore answered direct questions about remote work and followed up the event with a detailed list of links and resources created by and for the Grow Remote community. If you like, you can access these resources at this link.

Salvatore will host the next remote work clinic in Enniscorthy in mid-February.

Salvatore delivers a remote work clinic in Enniscorthy library

On Saturday 10th December, the chapter hosted a Netwalking event in Hillsborough Forest Park, complete with mince pies and mulled wine to make sure everyone was warm enough.

The recent December meet-up follows a very successful few months of activity for the Down chapter. Its first event took place in Belfast as part of a programme of 20 Grow Remote chapter events taking place nationwide in partnership with Culture Night and We Act.

3) Kilkenny Chapter

The Kilkenny chapter will host a Grow Remote stall at a local Jobs Fair on 30th December. Local chapter members have creating lots of resources this month to present at their stall. They will also display a brand-new pop-up banner for the Kilkenny chapter.

It promises to be a great way to ensure remote work becomes more visible and accessible in Kilkenny.

Chapter Lead Maria Dollard is ready for the next Jobs Fair
The Kilkenny chapter organising in Grow Remote Online

4) Longford chapter

The Longford chapter has had an amazing twelve months and has shown great progress towards its Chapter Goal for 2022: to create remote employment by supporting local people into training.

In early 2023, the Longford chapter will host a hybrid Remote Work Ready course. This fully-funded course will support 20 local people through industry-led remote employment training, with guest speakers from remote-first companies such as Glofox.

On 2nd December, the Longford chapter wrapped up their year with a Table Quiz in Edgeworthstown (video here), with the team from the local Tidy Towns Committee taking home 1st prize.

Chapter events have been a great way for local community members to connect and discuss the potential impact of remote work locally. Often, they have done so in the award-winning co-working facility in Edgeworthstown, Co:Worx.

Caitlín McConn from Grow Remote was there to present the winners with their prizes, answer participants’ questions about remote work, and shared stories about the international impact of Grow Remote.

Some of the members of the Longford chapter before their Christmas quiz

5) Mountbellew chapter

On Saturday 19th November, the new Grow Remote Mountbellew chapter held its first local event. This was organised in partnership with Mountbellew Smart Villages, Galway Rural Development and Digital First Day.

Local leader Ann O’Brien held a Remote Work Info Session & Community Lunch. During it, members of the local community heard from guest speakers on a series of topics, including:

  1. Introduction to Remote Work
  2. Skills Needed For Remote Work
  3. Introduction to Remote Employers

If you’d like to run your own info session on remote work, you can use these resources.

Thanks once again to everyone for being part of the Grow Remote community. Let’s connect in early 2023 to see how we can support local impact in your village, town or city.

Set up a 1:1 conversation with Grow Remote Community Manager Dónal by picking a time that suits you at this link. And watch below for a festive surprise.

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