Mastermind Recap With 10 Other Flipping Families


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We just finished an awesome mastermind event that we spent with 10 other flipping families, and we’re going to share what we did over the weekend. This was our first ever mastermind event that we hosted. 

Who Attended The Mastermind?

The mastermind was for the people who jumped into our six month one-on-one coaching program, who invested in their flipping business. Our goal is to do two of these a year. It’s a three-day event where we can get together to teach, learn, and get to know each other better. This one took place in Orlando, FL and we rented a 14-bedroom, 14.5 bath house because we hosted not only our students, but their spouses and kids too.

We had so much fun. The house had a bowling alley, arcade, and movie theater and it was perfect for so many people! Leading up to this, we’d only met most people on Zoom. We were meeting regularly, and we had built relationships, but meeting in person is always different. It went great!


Mastermind Event Schedule

The first step to the event was a little bit of setup for us. We got custom t-shirts and hats for everybody and put those out on their beds so they found them when they arrived. We also stopped at Sam’s Club to buy groceries for the whole weekend for breakfast and for dinner. Luckily one of our coaches and her husband volunteered to cook because we don’t really love to cook. Both of our flipping coaches Joanna and Stacy attended the event and helped us get set up and provided some training throughout the weekend.

Everyone arrived on Friday and the first night we spent time getting to know each other. On Saturday morning we got up and took a field trip to the local flea market and created a contest to find the highest ROI item. We also added a highest value item. Everybody walked around the flea market looking for cool stuff that they could actually show. Most people flew in from other parts of the country so they weren’t actually looking to buy items. It was all hypothetical numbers. 

When we got back to the house we did a recap where everybody sat down and we were able to talk about our finds. Jane found the highest dollar item, which was like $4,000 and she found it for $300. Jacque found the highest % ROI at $25 to $1,200 or $2,000; it was some type of a commercial kitchen appliance. We gave both winners a wireless thermal printer because we love giving stuff away. 

Mastermind Recap With 10 Other Flipping Families!

Mastermind Training

We also did a shipping demonstration as one of our presentations. I had recently sold a Thomas the Tank Engine playset and it had to go in three boxes so we talked about how to package odd-shaped boxes. We had the group participating to see if someone had a different shipping process. Someone actually did come up with one and we tried it their way and it worked out better than the original way I was going to do it.

Mastermind Recap With 10 Other Flipping Families!

The next morning we jumped into two other presentations, some mindset and personality tests to learn how to get motivated when you’re a certain type of personality. Both of our coaches, Stacy and Joanna, jumped in and did some trainings. It was awesome and everybody got a lot out of it. 

We did a second contest on Sunday night where everybody had an hour and a half to jump on their apps and find the most profitable item sourcing from the apps. We came back together and revealed the results. Jennifer and Jacque were the winners and got DeWalt nail guns as prizes. We wrapped up the day with that contest and dinner and fellowship.

Mastermind Takeaways

One of the biggest takeaways from our mastermind weekend was to surround yourself with like-minded people who motivate you and support what you’re doing. This was a big investment for people to go through the coaching with us, but also to get down to Orlando. Nobody was local; they’re from all over the country. It was a sacrifice to attend. They had to buy tickets, secure childcare, make time to travel, and put their eBay stores on vacation. But they knew what was involved and what the reward was.

Surrounding yourself with like-minded people who are trying to grow, just like you’re trying to grow is a huge thing. Melissa and I are always trying to invest in learning and get around like-minded people who can help us grow our businesses. If you can attend in-person events like conferences, those are great, and if you can’t, listening to podcasts or joining an online group can be equally motivating. 

We’re trying to constantly grow in our businesses and get better at what we do. We don’t just tell people how to flip, we do it ourselves. Everything that we’re teaching, we’re living it out the same way. That’s how you stay sharp and good at what you’re doing. 

We look forward to our next mastermind event!

Show Notes

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