How To Create A Successful Digital Product Bundle For Profit And List Growth (Interview With Dama Jue)


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Looking for a way to grow your email list rapidly whilst simultaneously making a lot of profit? Then read on as I think you’ll be super inspired by this interview with Dama Jue, Funnel and Bundle expert…


She’s going to spill some of her secrets about her recent wildly profitable bundle.

I’ll also show you how you can also grow your email list and make a lot of money by contributing to a bundle (my last one earned me $8290.50) or creating your own (where we are talking about a comfortable 5 figures profit…)

Recently I was part of the most magical digital products bundle.


I’ve collaborated with many online business owners and contributed to many digital product bundles in the past but there was something about this one that really stood out. 

  • It could have been the products included in the digital bundle. There were some really unique courses that piqued my interest and some templates from people who’s copy I LOVED. 
  • It could have been the topic. It was about Lazy Funnels and I love anything evergreen. But being so specific made it really clear what the outcome from this bundle would be. 
  • It could have been the steps taken to reduce overwhelm – just the right amount of products plus clear categories and a way to filter through the products. 
  • It could have been the comradery amongst the contributors on the Slack channel. There was so much buzz and excitement from the contributors and it was infectious. 

It was for all of these reasons that Dama Jue’s Lazy Funnel Bundle was the best digital product bundle I’ve ever been part of. Ever.

And Dama has very kindly agreed to spill the beans and take us behind the scenes of this incredible collaboration project. 


If you are considering hosting a bundle yourself then you couldn’t learn from anyone better. I am currently a beta tester for Dama’s new course The Bundle Formula and it is AMAZING.

(I love that it’s jam packed with templates.) 

You can hop on her waitlist to get alerted when the course goes live here

Before we dig into the interview with Dama, let’s just quickly cover the basics about hosting a digital product bundle for anyone that’s new to the idea…

What is a digital product bundle? 

It’s a collaborative project where a number of bloggers come together to contribute one digital product each in order to create a collection of resources on the same theme. 

So for example a bundle about Instagram for business owners might have resources for editing photos, growing an audience, monetising, creating reels etc

Once the customer buys the bundle, they get access to all the resources for free for a set amount of time. If they do not opt in for each product then it returns to its regular price. 

There are two types of bundles, paid and free. Paid bundles usually contain premium resources like detailed courses whereas free bundles contain smaller products like ebooks, toolkits or mini courses. 

Free bundles do get more subscribers so they can be good for list growth. However, paid bundles tend to attract more motivated subscribers who are willing to pay money to learn the skills they need. Therefore they are often more likely to purchase other products from you and paid bundles are therefore more profitable for both the creator and the contributors. 

3 entrepreneurs working together. 1 is holding her hands above her head celebrating!

How can digital product bundles benefit the customers?

When someone buys the bundle, they are essentially getting a collection of resources at a much lower price point than they would normally. Often bundles are valued at thousands of dollars and yet are usually priced around a hundred dollars. 

It’s a great way for customers to try resources from contributors who they don’t know well enough to feel comfortable buying from directly. 

Purchasing bundles can be a great way to cover a lot of the basics without breaking the bank.

customer benefiting from digital product bundle looking happy whilst pointing at computer screen

How can digital product bundles benefit the contributors?

Firstly people who are subscribers became students and this gives contributors a chance to nurture their new students to become ‘super fans’ who will go on to buy other products, courses and coaching/services. 

Bundles also help the contributors to grow their email lists rapidly by a few hundred (sometimes thousands) of new subscribers. If they acquired those subscribers via paid ads, they would have cost a lot of money. Bundle leads are also free leads and a cost-efficient way to grow rapidly. 

2 girls smiling during collaboration digital product bundle

Contributing to bundles can also be very lucrative. I made $8290.50 as a contributor for Dama’s bundle.* 

There are a number of ways contributors can earn money from bundles 

  • Income from affiliate sales – contributors usually get a higher than normal commission rate between 50-70% of the cost of each bundle 
  • Income from bumps, tripwires and upsells – whilst conversion rates will be lower than normal, bundles can generate quite a bit of extra digital product revenue especially if you choose a product that really stands out as being different from what’s already inside the bundle. 
  • Income from digital products sold down the track. Once these subscribers are on your email list, you can send them into a funnel or add them to your newsletter so they get your next launch or flash sale emails. In the 3 months following Dama’s bundle I generated $4437 via digital product sales* 
  • Income from other affiliate sales. Once someone is on your email list or inside your digital product, you have the option to promote other tools you think they’ll find useful. I generated $1627.50 from affiliate sales 

*I ought to add these results aren’t typical for bundle contributors and I have earned much less with some other bundles. However they always generate at least 4 figures.

The best way to find bundles to contribute to is to network, network, network. The more people you know in your industry, the more invites you’ll get. You’ll also start to notice you get more invites after your first one or two bundles.

There are some Facebook groups specifically for arranging collaborations but otherwise just get out there and get active inside online communities and start attending networking events.

And if there’s no bundles in your niche? It’s time to create one! 

How can digital product bundles benefit the host?

Hosting a bundle can be hard work (unless you have Dama’s templates to make it a breeze!) However, it can really pay off with a big cash injection into your business. 

For every bundle sale, you will be keeping 30-100% of the profit and so it’s easy to see how bundles with hundreds of customers can be pretty lucrative. 

It also doesn’t have to cost much to host a bundle providing you already have the software to host the bundle and take payment. 

( I would recommend using Thrivecart as you can take payment, set up affiliate links for contributors and house your bundle all in the same place!)

The main costs you will incur are for any assistance you need e.g. a virtual assistant or a copywriter for your sales page. If you are okay to do the leg work yourself then you’ll keep more of the profits. 

You also have the option to use paid ads so of course this will be an expense you need to factor in (though hopefully offset by extra sales.) 

Beyond the very nice cash injection , you will also benefit in the following ways… 

  • More subscribers. You’ll get every customer on your email list whereas contributors only get the customers that opt in for their product. 
  • More digital product/service sales down the track. Your new bundle buyers will be super warm so any launch or flash sale you run shortly after the bundle will likely do well. 
  • Credibility – by hosting a bundle in your niche you are putting yourself into the spotlight as an expert. This could make you the go-to person for that topic and could result in a huge variety of benefits e.g. podcast and virtual summit invites, other collaboration opportunities, guest expert spotlights, more word of mouth referrals etc. 
  • Rapid growth of your affiliate program. Your contributors may join in promoting your other products resulting in more passive income 
  • You will build a large network of business owners in your niche for future collaborations or just for support and bouncing ideas off. 

Interview with Dama Jue – creator of the ‘Lazy Funnel’ Digital Products Bundle

Hi Dama, thanks so much for agreeing to do this interview – I know people can learn a lot from you! Do you want to start by telling us a little about your background in online business and your zone of genius? 

“I’m a formerly trained accountant and my husband and I left our corporate careers and moved to Central America to volunteer for a year. While I was there, I started a Pinterest management business. 

Only problem is, I always kind of found myself excited and curious about what’s happening next? Thinking ‘what are you doing with all this traffic that we’re generating?’ 

I really wanted to see more of the process behind leading folks from a blog post to a paid offer to being in your ecosystem to being on your email list to making sales. How are you making all this happen? It was a curiosity that I couldn’t quite put away. 

So I started leaning more into funnels and learning that side of it, and I got my certification as a certified funnel strategist. I started building some beautiful, amazing offers with clients, and helping them make six figures with these incredible launches. 

So I’ve been focusing on funnels since 2020, all the things that go into it, the tech, the strategy, strategy, the marketing, the positioning… I love all of that about online business. And that’s primarily what I help folks with now.

 I also sell Thrivecart templates. I have a Thrivecart shop with trainings and tutorials, helping them make the most of the funnels that they have optimized and streamline the process with automation. And just get out there and do that digital product thing!

picture of dama smiling at the camera sat in the office with a yellow shirt on and brown long hair

When did you first start thinking about creating a digital product bundle and what were you hoping to get from it? 

I actually never really thought about doing it. But I knew I wanted to be in bundles because I could see folks really having incredible ROI from participating in a bundle. I just didn’t know how to get in. 

No one I knew was taking applications except for one friend. But I could not join her bundle because I felt like her bundle theme was not inclusive. In fact, it was exclusionary to me so it wasn’t something I felt in my gut that I could participate in. 

And then someone said, ‘well, why not create your own?’ 

At first I thought that’s nuts. I can’t create my own bundle. And then I realized pretty quickly that actually, I have every skill I needed. When it comes to tech and strategy and funnels, I had produced lots of really profitable summits for clients. So I had every piece of the skill and the strategy that I needed. And even though no one is formally teaching how to create a digital product bundle, my experience really qualified me. 

So when I got excited, I just thought this is going to be amazing. And I just knew that if I curated it strategically, it would bring me all the right customers and people to benefit most from my template shop, which was growing, but I wanted to keep feeding it!

Did you have any hesitations or worries about the process of creating a bundle? And if so, what got you to take the plunge?

The biggest worry was that I wouldn’t get contributors or that I wouldn’t have enough time to do all the things. It is a lot. 

 I have produced summits and written every word of copy and done every ounce of tech and every scrap of design, essentially built them from scratch. It’s a LOT of work. And so I was nervous about having to do that. 

The thing that really got me to take the plunge was coming to the conclusion that if I handle all the tech and the strategy (because those are my two favorite hats to wear in my business) I can let someone else handle the copy and the sales page design. 

With those two things lifted off my shoulders, and I was like, okay, yeah, I can absolutely do this. Oh, let’s go. 

I kind of casually floated the idea to friends. And they were like, ‘yes, yes, yes, you should do this. You’re going to be perfect for this. And can I be in it?’

Their excitement at wanting to join my bundle is really the thing that made me think ‘Oh, this has to happen. This is definitely happening.‘”

mockup of the lazy funnel bundle

How was the process of creating the bundle for you? Was there anything about the process that surprised you?

“The bundle actually came together really organically. I just sat down with a pen and paper and sketched out, what do I need to do? And before I knew it, my list was fleshed out and I really had a solid understanding of how I could make this happen. 

There was nothing about it that was daunting or impossible because I had done all these things for so many clients and helped my clients make so much impact and revenue online that I had all the experience I needed. 

It was really just a matter of thinking of it from a different approach. During that session of just sitting down and fleshing it out, it all became really clear to me that I was looking for ways to make the bundle experience better. 

I had bought bundles, and some of them were really clunky and not very elegant and frustrating. 

I had even purchased a bundle where they disclosed on the sales page, we will give your email to every contributor in this bundle. I hesitated but moved forward with it. I really regretted it because I got all these junk emails from people I’ve never even heard of, who didn’t even bother to introduce themselves, and were just trying to sell me stuff. 

So I learned a lot from the bundles I had bought. So I was really determined to find  the right tech and be considerate about how I positioned my bundle so that all those annoying things that I had experienced in other bundles would not would not be the case with this one. 

That was actually really fun, exploring the tech and thinking ‘how can I make this better?’

I got really excited and I kind of went down a really super fun rabbit hole of ‘how can I make this the best bundle out there? Seriously? How can I do it?’

A lot of people worry about finding enough contributors for their product bundle. How did you find this process and do you have any tips? 

I thought that I would have a hard time finding contributors for my bundle. But this wasn’t an issue because I’m a very social person and I’ve been in the online business space for a long time, I’ve been invited to speak in a lot of summits. And I really like to make friends. 

So I started reaching out to friends who had similar audience or who had an offer that would fit within the very strict or regimented container of my bundle. I was really specific with what I wanted. 

Whilst reaching out to folks, I was surprised by how many people were just 100% amped and excited to be included and were willing to open the vault of their incredible offers and make something really amazing available. 

I could just see the bundle taking shape and it becoming amazing. Then I decided to create an application page. 

 I had seen summits where they asked people to nominate folks to to speak at the summit. But really, I wanted to hear people’s best pitch. So I opened up an application page and was just blown away by how many people applied to be part of the bundle.” 

Is there anything you would do differently looking back? 

The only thing I did try that didn’t work so well was ads – they flopped and did nothing for me. But I also realized I didn’t even really plan or do anything or tried to do anything regarding ads until the very last second. 

So I would either not bother with ads because that was a waste of time and money or I would be much more thoughtful about how I approached it. 

But in hindsight, even with the ads flopping the bundle did really, really well. So just thinking about it now I probably should have just saved my time and watched a little extra TV or played a little more in Canva or rested a little more before the incredible launch week instead of worrying about ads the week before. 

Were you happy with the outcome from this bundle?

I’ll just start by saying that I was very intentional and strategic with this bundle. But still it blew me away. 

I couldn’t believe how excited people were for it. How many excited replies I got. How many people told me this is the absolute best bundle they have ever bought or this is the best bundle experience they’ve ever had. 

I am blown away like this is the new gold standard –  seven people told me this is the new gold standard. Their words not mine, but I am here for those that phrase! 

So yeah, it was incredible. Definitely over five figures profit for me and that’s after paying out my affiliates a very generous commission and after giving away prizes, hiring out the things I already mentioned the copy and the design. 

I still had a generous five figure profit enough that I was able to help my husband buy a brand new truck. 

If you want the exact details, I have a training coming up where you’ll be able to hear the nitty gritty, the actual to the penny numbers, including expenses.”

It was such a huge success – what do you think was the main reason that so many people got behind this bundle and there was so much buzz about it? 

One thing that I did that some people might think is wild is I did not have a contributor agreement where everyone was clear on my expectations and their expectations.

But I did not require promotion. 

Whilst I did  feel like this could be risky, I get a lot of summit pitches in my inbox from people who have not really researched me or they just looked at my Instagram account and said, “Oh, I love your content, I’d love to have you speak in my Summit. You need to have 5000 email subscribers on your list, you need to send three dedicated email, blah, blah, blah.” It’s a big ask. 

I didn’t want to do that to folks because mostly this bundle was filled with offers that either I’d bought myself or my friends were creating that I knew were going to be incredible. So I didn’t want to make them feel less valued by demanding that they send a certain number of emails or social media posts. 

 I’ve had that dictated to me in the past such as ‘you need to send three dedicated solo emails and post at least seven times during this.’ When this happened, I just wanted to say “no, I’m not interested.”

So for this reason, I did not require promotion. But instead,  I threw my whole heart and soul into helping my contributors promote the bundle.  

There was never a moment where I considered promoting more than them so that I made more and didn’t have to pay out as much affiliate commissions. Instead, I wanted to see them earn, I was excited to see them earn, I wanted them to see an ROI not just in the list growth, with trip wires, order bump sales and sales down the line. But I wanted them to actually make something as an affiliate too. 

So I just put a lot of effort and energy into supporting them into making sure they had every possible affiliate swipe file, copy and graphic that they needed. I went above and beyond with a few extra things that are part of my secret sauce that I think really made a big impact. 

So I think part of it was just they knew that I was really cheering for them to get out there and to make money. But also, I made it really easy for them to do so in the way that I shared affiliate links and resources. I was really strategic thinking  about how I could make this easy for them to promote and how I could bend over backwards so that they make more. 

We also had really fun things like affiliate prizes, and some of them were not based on the number of sales they made. Some of them were for being helpful to other contributors or sending a really funny email.  

I really wanted them to get behind it, get excited, connect with each other and make this kind of a family affair. And it truly became that.

Were there any benefits to hosting a bundle that you hadn’t anticipated? Are you seeing any ongoing benefits?

Yeah, massive ongoing benefits!

In the last 10 days alone, I have gotten like five or six bundle invites and at least three invitations to speak at summer summits, so it’s been a huge visibility shift. 

I also did not think that my business would grow nearly this much this year as it has. I’m kind of shocked by how much it’s grown – shocked and blown away and incredibly thankful!

I’ve definitely had a revenue boost and visibility boost. Lots of folks wanting me to join their bundle and seeing my products, lots of people buying more of my products ever since. 

Another incredible thing to come from this bundle, ( and a big thrust behind why I wanted to create a bundle) was creating a really highly motivated, energetic and enthusiastic affiliate army. That’s been incredible. 

Just seeing that collaboration – you promote, and then I pay you – is a very positive reinforcement of how this works. It’s resulted in a  great ROI because I have some of the best affiliates out there in the business. So that’s been amazing. 

And then, of course, the thing that maybe first came to mind is growing my audience. The list growth has been great. I had to keep increasing how much I paid MailerLite because my email list was growing so fast! 

But also these are not just leads – these are real people who reply to my emails and appreciate the content  & offers that I share with them and the value I provide – it’s all been really pleasant. These are people who are loving my vibe and are a great fit for my business. They love the kinds of products that I’m selling and my approach to marketing and they want to learn more. 

So I really couldn’t have gotten that kind of incredibly high quality or perfect fit lead from running ads. And I know that because I tried ads and it didn’t work in the same way as a bundle.

Who would you recommend should consider hosting a bundle? 

This is not a beginner or newbie strategy. If you do not have several digital products to your name, it’s probably not the right fit for you. You should get started with building your first digital product and then your second and your third Because along the way, you’re going to learn so much from every launch. 

When you’ve got a few products and launches under your belt and you’re ready to scale (meaning you have the tech skills, the product suite, the expertise to be able to welcome a big influx of new people to your list and new customers to your shop and you have offers for them,) then I would say you’re ready to create a bundle. 

It’s definitely not for beginners, you need a certain level of tech expertise to be able to create a product, you need to be able to market a product and figure out some of the tech. And you need to have at least a couple of products so that even if you include something in your bundle, you’ll be able to sell them and you’ll have something else to help them along the line.”

I’m one of your beta testers for the Bundle Formula and it’s shaping up to be the most amazing resource for wannabe digital product bundle hosts. Can you tell us a bit more about what to expect when it’s complete?

So the Bundle Formula is coming this fall and it is easily the most comprehensive, well thought out, well designed product or program I have ever created. 

Friends who are inside right now like yourself are telling me this is going to shake the entire industry, they can see all the love and care and attention that I’m putting into the program. 

I’ve hired an army of amazing, talented creators to craft all the templates you’ll need. The list of templates is at over 100 right now. It’s wild, it’s really anything you could possibly need – all ready for you. 

I just think that it’s going to change the industry because there are some mediocre to low quality bundles out there. And I’m here to change that. 

The Bundle Formula is going to help you create the new gold standard for paid bundles. Yes, you can do this and it doesn’t need to be shoddy. It doesn’t need to be a hot mess. It can be totally organized, beautiful, incredible, and an absolute win for you, for your contributors, for your customers and for your affiliates to come. That’s a win win win.” 

How can people find out more about The Bundle Formula? 

Head here so you can jump on the waitlist you’ll also get an invite to my live debrief.

I’m going to go into detail debriefing my bundle and sharing the exact results, profit & loss numbers, percentages, all of it so you can see exactly what outcomes you can expect from your own bundle.

Do you have any final tips you can share with anyone considering creating a digital product bundle?

It’s never too early to start networking and building contacts. 

One of the biggest keys to a successful bundle is really that it’s not just about the offers in the bundle – it’s about the relationship with the contributors. So start talking to your business besties out there, start networking, start finding out what folks do and what they do well.  

Instead of looking at what others do and thinking  ‘oh, I should do that,’ look at it from a perspective of ‘they do that really well – I hope to collaborate with them on something someday.’  Because you never know when you will create a bundle and you might want to invite them to join you. 

This fall, I’m going to be launching the bundle formula and it is definitely going to change and turn the industry on its head so you won’t want to miss that. 

Make sure you sign up for the live debrief where I’m going to share all my exact results from my bundle – the actual numbers and how to know if creating a digital product bundle is right for you. I’m going to talk about that in detail. 

So be sure to check that out. You don’t want to miss it.

Thanks to Dama for the fantastic insights into her brilliant bundle. It was certainly the best digital product bundle I’ve been part of and probably the most profitable  for me too! 

I can also attest to the fact that the Bundle Formula is going to be a game changer for many people, myself included! 

I’ve always wanted to create a passive income focussed bundle but the amount of time it would take always put me off. So when Dama asked me if I would like to be a beta tester for the Bundle Formula (jam packed with her templates to make it faster and easier,) I jumped at the chance!

Dama has templates for everything. Sometimes all you need to do is use search and replace to add your specific bundle details and the copy is generated for you. A few tweaks and it’s ready to go! It’s so simple! Then there are design templates too so it’s just a case of copy and pasting the copy onto the right pages. 

A bundle feels really achievable now and so expect to see mine out in the world early 2023!

If you think creating a bundle could be the next logical move in your business to help you to scale your income, grow your email list with your perfect subscribers and get more visible in your niche, then definitely attend Dama’s free debrief. You’ll get details about it when you sign up here.

Then keep your eyes peeled for the Bundle Formula when it launches to the public! (Yes I’ll be sharing my own juicy bonus for it when it does! 😉)

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