7 Reasons Your Online Course Needs A Private Podcast Feed


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If you’re a busy online business owner, chances are you struggle to fit in much time for learning and developing new skills around all the other 10 million things on your to do list, am I right?!


And if you’re wishing there were more hours in each day, then there is a good chance people in your audience are in the same position.

Which is why, you might want to consider starting a private podcast feed for your online courses.

Diversifying the way that you deliver your trainings can help make your online courses more accessible, more appealing and more attainable than ever before.


But before we dig into all the reasons why your online course needs a private podcast feed, what even does that mean?!!

A podcast feed is very different to offering audio lessons.

Audio lessons require your student to login and access each lesson and click play to listen to the content. Your students are still tied to their computers as they need to click in and out of each lesson to move the audio on.


Therefore audio is no more convenient than watching videos. However podcast feeds are different.

You can listen to a private podcast wherever you are. In the gym, on a walk, in the car, whilst you’re cooking dinner…

All you need to do is log in to your favourite podcast feed like Apple Podcasts or Spotify and click play.

Each lessons flows from one to the next so your content becomes easy to binge listen!

Imagine how many more people would actually consume your trainings if you gave them a more convenient, on-the-go way to consume it?

girl listening to podcast lying down in bed

So with that in mind, here are 7 reasons why I think you should consider adding a private podcast feed to your online courses…

1. A private podcast feed makes your courses more accessible

When you built your course, did you consider people with disabilities?

It’s super important that we make our courses and trainings more accessible and offering your content in a variety of formats is an easy way to do that.

Audio courses are great for those who are visually impaired however it’s important that we don’t ONLY offer audio content.

At the minimum you’ll need a video/audio transcript or closed captions but ideally neatly edited notes as well.

And yes, whilst written lessons can be read out loud by a screen reader, don’t you think that a podcast delivered by your real human voice is much better than listening to a robotic sounding screen reader?!

2. A podcast feed will make your course more appealing and increase your sale conversions

It is actually very rare that I will buy an online course or training that doesn’t offer a podcast feed these days. I am far too busy! But if I know I can listen to a podcast when I’m walking, driving, cooking dinner or even going for a swim, then I am going to be interested…

And it turns out I am not alone. I ran a poll inside my Facebook group to ask whether podcast feeds could influence people’s choice to purchase a course and 29% said that it would.

That’s potentially 29% more sales you could make if you add a private podcast stream.

Top tip: I searched high and low for a solution to allow me to listen to podcasts when swimming. The best option I found was to use an apple watch paired with the H20 Audio Interval which clips onto your goggles. It syncs with your phone so that you don’t need to manually transfer MP3 files and can instead listen to audio books, podcasts, online courses and your music playlists directly! I couldn’t find any other headphone/smart watch combo that worked for podcasts – only MP3’s – but this works like a dream!

3. Offering a podcast feed will increase your course engagement

By increasing the ways that you offer your course content, you are more likely to get people engaging with your trainings and actually taking action.

How many times have you bought a course but never completed it because you were too busy?

You’ll have plenty of students who are the same. But maybe they would take action if you offered them a way to consume the content whilst on the go?!

girl listening to a private podcast feed

4. A private podcast feed will help you to get better results

If more of your students are consuming your content then more of them will be taking actions and getting results.

More results = more case studies.

And if you use these case studies on your sales pages then chances are you’ll make more sales too!

5. You will get more testimonials when you include a private podcast feed

Offering people a more convenient way to consume your content is really going to impress your students. And if they are impressed, they are more likely to give you a glowing testimonial.

I’ve noticed that for courses I’ve taken with a podcast feed, there are always people in their communities raving about the podcast option. Whilst not everyone will use a podcast feed, those that do are likely to be pretty happy you included it!

So if offering more options like this results in more testimonials also then it’ll also result in more sales!

6. A podcast feed will help you to stand out against your competitors

As more and more people start online businesses, it’s getting more and more challenging to stand out from the crowd. You need a reason why YOUR course is better than your competitors.

Sometimes that might be your experience, qualifications, level of support or accountability but what if your competitor has just as much experience and qualifications and offers a great support package to boot? How can you stand out then?!

You can diversify the way you deliver your content with a podcast!

7. Private podcast feeds can be a great way to nurture leads

You don’t have to stick to offering private podcast feeds for your paid courses. How about offering one as a free lead magnet?

If you already offer a free mini course or challenge as a lead magnet, adding a podcast feed will help you to increase engagement, get more leads and nurture those leads.

If they are hearing your voice on a regular basis, they are getting to know you and people buy from those who they know, like and trust!

How to add a private podcast feed

The tool I use and recommend is Hello Audio.

You can drag and drop any audio or video content and your podcast stream will be created in an instant.

You have a lot of control over who can listen to your podcast and you can remove students if they default on payments or ask for a refund.

If you happen to use Thrivecart then you’re in luck as Hello Audio and Thrivecart are fully integrated meaning that you can give people automatic access to your podcast feed and revoke it when their payment fails without lifting a finger – it’s fully automated!

If you are considering buying Hello Audio then make sure you check out my Hello Audio bonuses for when you use my affiliate link to purchase it!

👉 Click here to check out Hello Audio’s current pricing.

In conclusion…

Adding a private private podcast feed to your online course will make your courses more accessible, more appealing and will help you to get better engagement, more results, case studies and testimonials and ultimately more sales!

Will you be adding a private podcast feed to your online courses?

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