18+ Best Ways to Make $250 a Week (2023 Guide)


How does an extra $1,000 a month sound?

Pretty nice – right?


Making an extra $250 has the ability to change your financial future if managed correctly.

This could allow you to invest more money, pad your savings, or just have some extra spending money for when you need it.

In this post, I’ll explore how to make $250 a week and much more. Let’s get started!



Some of the best ways to make $250 a week include:


Best Ways to Make $250 a Week

1. Pet Sitting with Rover

If you love animals, pet sitting can be a great way to make some extra money on the side. It’s easy, fun, and you don’t have to do any actual work!

It’s possible to make as much as $500 a week in some locations with this fun side hustle making it the perfect option for just about anyone.

For example, this Reddit user charges anywhere from $50 to $70 per night. Not too bad!

Pet Sitting Pay

To get started, create a profile on a site like Rover to get instantly connected to animal owners in your area.

Start Pet Sitting!

2. Work as a Virtual Assistant

Working as a virtual assistant is a fantastic option for anyone looking to make $250 per week.

It’s extremely easy to get started, you can work from anywhere, and the pay can be better than other online side hustles.

Virtual assistants help business owners with a variety of tasks, including administrative work, posting on social media, sending and responding to emails, updating website content, and much more.

For most jobs, you’ll get trained on exactly what you need to do – so you don’t need a ton of special skills to get started.

The pay for virtual assistants will depend on your skills, but most VAs make anywhere from $12 to over $30 per hour. Check out some of these virtual assistants I found on Upwork!

Virtual Assistant Pay on Upwork

Want to get started but aren’t sure where to start? I highly recommend checking out Carrie’s Virtual Assistant Accelerator course to learn how to land your first clients as a VA and more.

3. Food Delivery with Doordash

Delivering food with platforms like Doordash is a great delivery side hustle to make extra money during your free time and it’s super easy to make $250 per week or more.

The best part about this side hustle is that you can work whenever you want and make as much money as you want. If you have some free time, you can start making money with the tap of a button!

The average pay for drivers will depend on your location and how well you can deliver but it’s not uncommon to make $500 or more in a week with this gig. Some drivers have reported earning over $1,500 in a single week!

Doordash Earnings

Want to learn how to make more with Doordash? Check out these tips!

4. Grocery Delivery

Another great app that pays you to drive is Instacart. This is similar to Doordash except instead of delivering food, you’ll get paid to deliver groceries.

Just like with Doordash, you can work your own schedule – making it an attractive side hustle for teens, busy moms, and anyone who wants a flexible work schedule.

Most drivers make around $20 per hour but this will depend on your city and the current demand. Because some of your earnings come from tips, it’s important to offer fast and accurate deliveries to maximize your pay.

Instacart Tipping

Ready to start driving? Register below to get started!

5. Tutoring

If you’re knowledgeable in a subject consider tutoring others to make money and earn $250 per week.

This is a great way to make some extra money if you’re good at teaching and have the patience to help others learn. Take a look at the average tutoring rates below!

Make Money Tutoring

You can expect to make anywhere from $15-$50 per hour as a tutor depending on your experience and the subject you’re teaching.

For example, some accounting tutors charge $50 per hour for their time making it a perfect side hustle for accountants.

Accounting Tutor Pay
Looking to make more money? Check out these ways to make $1500 a week!

6. Blogging

Want to make money online? Blogging is one of my favorite remote side hustles for many reasons and it’s a great way to make $250 per week.

First, it costs very little to start a blog. You can oftentimes get started with less than $100 a year so anyone can get started.

Second, the income potential is extraordinary.

Some bloggers can make $100k a month or more from their sites – making it one of the best ways to make money with a laptop.

Additionally, you can start a blog from anywhere with a computer and internet connection – that’s all you need!

To start a blog, you’ll first need to secure a domain name. I recommend Namecheap because they are one of the most affordable registrars out there.

Browse domains on Namecheap

Next, you’ll need to purchase hosting. I recommend SiteGround because they are extremely fast and affordable, making it perfect for beginners.

The last thing you’ll need is a WordPress theme. There are many free WordPress theme or you can purchase a premium theme to get the look and feel you desire. I always recommend a free theme if you’re just getting started.

Growing a profitable blog will take time. It won’t happen overnight.

In many cases, it can take anywhere from 6 months to over 1 year to start seeing profits from your blog. For example, take a look at my blog earnings in a single year. You can see how it grows exponentially.

2021 Website Income

But don’t let this discourage you!

As your site grows, your income will become more and more passive, meaning you can make money while you sleep. Who wouldn’t want that?

To make money from your blog, there are many different options.

The most obvious (and easiest) method is through display ads. These are the ads you see on websites like Forbes, Entrepreneur, and even my own site.

While display ads are the easiest way to make money from your blog, they also tend to pay less than other monetization methods. But you can still make great money. Check out the earnings from display ads from one of my blogs last month.

Display Ad Earnings

Affiliate marketing is a great way to increase the earnings from your site. This is when you promote another company’s product or service and earn a commission on each sale you generate.

For example, if you have a blog about hiking, you could promote a hiking backpack on your site and earn a commission every time someone buys that backpack through your link.

One of my blogs earned over $50k last year from affiliate marketing.

Starting your own blog is one of the best ways to make $250 a week or more online.

While it can take some time to reach your goal – it can become a full time job over time that can help you on your journey to financial freedom. Don’t forget to sign up with SiteGround below!

7. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is one of the highest paying side hustles out there and it’s a tremendous way to earn $250 or even $1000 a week.

If you want to make some quick cash, I strongly recommend working as a freelance writer for a variety of reasons.

First, the work is pretty straightforward. You can learn how to become a better writer and make great money. Just about anyone can get started as a freelance writer. You don’t need to be an expert or English major to get started.

Second, the income potential is very high.

Depending on the clients you work with and the type of writing you do, it’s possible to charge over $.50 or $1 per word written.

This means a 750 word article could make you $750!

Some writers will also charge hourly rates of $100 or more. Check out some of these writers I found on Upwork.

Freelance Writing Pay

And, since most of the work is done remotely, you can often work from anywhere with a laptop and internet connection.

If you want to earn extra cash, freelance writing is a tremendous option. It’s an easy freelance job that pays well that anyone can do. Check out the video below to learn how to get started!

Looking to make more money? Check out these ways to make $10k in a week!

8. Participate in Paid Focus Groups

Focus groups are a great way to make some extra money without having to put in a lot of effort.

Most focus groups only last for a few hours, but some can last up to a full day.

You’ll generally get paid around $50-$200 for your participation, depending on the length and topic of the focus group.

To find paid focus groups, I recommend using a platform like Survey Junkie. You can earn up to $150 per focus group you complete.

Don’t forget to confirm your email after signing up because most focus groups will be emailed directly to you.

9. Babysitting

Babysitting is an easy way to make extra cash if you have some free time on nights and weekends.

This is a great side hustle idea for teens or moms because of how easy it is. You’ll just need to look over children and make sure they are safe while their parents are away.  

To get started, you can post your services on social media or use online platforms like Care.com to find people in need of your services. 

Your pay will depend on the city you live in and the number of kids you’re looking over, but it’s possible to make $100 a day with this side job – making it a great option for those who don’t mind watching over children. 

Babysitting Pay

10. Rent Things Out

If you’re looking to make passive income, renting things out is one of the best options available.

By renting things out you can make money in addition to your day job without having to put in any extra work.

There are a number of things you can rent out, including:

  • A spare room
  • Your car
  • Tools

Check out this listing for a single room in my area.

Room for Rent on Airbnb

To rent out your car, you can use a site like Turo.

The amount you can make will depend on what you’re renting – but it’s certainly possible to make 250 dollars a week or more.

11. Get a Part Time Job

While this might not be the most attractive way to make more money, it’s one of the easiest.

Getting a part time job is a great way to make some extra income with just a few extra hours each week.

There are a number of part time jobs you can do, including:

  • Working in retail
  • Working as a waiter or waitress
  • Working as a barista

The pay isn’t the best – but you can still earn $250 in a week if not more. Check out some of these part time remote jobs for more help!

12. Take Online Surveys

If you have some spare time, taking online surveys can be an easy way to earn cash without a ton of effort.

There are many paid survey sites you can use to earn extra money but some of my favorites include Swagbucks, Rakuten Insight, and Survey Junkie.

While these sites aren’t going to pay you hundreds of dollars, they can be a great way to make $5 or $10 a day online.

Most of these sites also offer great sign up bonuses that give you free money.

For example, both Swagbucks and InboxDollars will give you $5 of free money just for signing up!

In addition to taking surveys, you can also make money watching videos, playing games, and more.

If you want to make extra money, give some of these side hustle apps a try!

13. Start a YouTube Channel

Starting a YouTube channel is another great digital side hustle you can start to earn extra cash in your free time.

With this form of content creation, you can make videos on anything you’re passionate about.

This could include things like travel location reviews, cooking tutorials, unboxing videos, and much more. Check out this artists side hustle YouTube channel that has over 9 million subscirbers!

To get started, you’ll need to create a YouTube account and start planning your video content.

If you can grow a large enough following, you could potentially make thousands of dollars per month from your YouTube channel.

There are many different ways YouTube channels make money, including:

  • Ads: You can run ads on your videos and earn money every time someone watches
  • Sponsorships: Companies will pay you to mention or show their products in your videos
  • Affiliate marketing: You can promote products and earn a commission on any sales you generate
  • Digital products and online courses: Selling your own digital products and courses can be a great way to make more money from your channel

14. Data Entry

If you’re looking for an easy side hustle that doesn’t require any special skills, data entry is an excellent option.

With this side hustle, you’ll need a computer and reliable internet access but that’s about it.

The amount of money you can make will depend on the company you’re working for but it’s possible to make anywhere from $12 to over $20 per hour.

Data Entry

15. Publish a Book

Writing and publishing a book can be an amazing way to earn passive income and earn $250 a week from home.

If you’re not interested in writing yourself, you can also hire a ghostwriter to help you create your book – but this comes with its own challenges.

With Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform, you can self publish your book and start earning royalties within a matter of days making it easier than ever.

Check out the video below to learn how to self publish a book!

16. Invest Your Money

Investing is the best way to make money on autopilot and make money daily without any work required.

Between investing in real estate with Arrived or dividend paying stocks with Acorns – there are a variety of options to grow your money and make $250 a week.

If you’re not sure what to invest in, check out my guide to the best compound interest investments!

17. Drive for Uber or Lyft

Becoming a ride share driver with Uber or Lyft is another great way to make $250 a week or more.

The amount of money you can make will depend on the city you drive in and your level of service.

Because some of your income is derived from tips, it’s important to offer superior service to make the most money.

Check out the video below to learn how to make more money!

18. Proofreading

Proofreading is an easy side hustle that most people can do without previous experience.

It’s a simple process of finding errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation in written work and correcting them.

The pay is decent, the work is relatively easy, and you can usually set your own hours. It’s common to make anywhere from $15 to over $20 per hour proofreading but some people charge even more. Check out these proofreaders I found on Upwork charging over $75 per hour for their work!

Proofreading Freelance Pay

If you aren’t sure how to get started as a proofreader, I highly recommend checking out the Proofread Anywhere course to learn how to make a living as a proofreader. You can also check out my Proofread Anywhere review for more info on what the course offers.

Final Thoughts

There are many different ways you can make $250 a week online or offline depending on your goals.

Between starting a blog, delivering food with Doordash, or freelancing – making an extra $1,000 a month is easier than you think if you’re willing to put in the work.

These methods are all great options to keep your finances in check and pad your savings, so what’re you waiting for!?

Forrest is a personal finance, entrepreneurship, and investing expert dedicated to helping others obtain life long wealth.
He has a Bachelor’s degree in business and has been featured in many popular publications including Forbes, Business Insider, Bankrate, CNET Money, and many others.
To learn more about Forrest, visit the About Us Page for more info.

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