NO ORDER NO HIRING on Upwork Fiverr – FreelanceFront


The most common message I daily receive from freelancers from Upwork, Fiverr, freelancer, and other job marketplaces. I daily suggest the resolution but over the days this question has significantly increased so I decided to write on this topic so that freelancers should avoid these killer mistakes in 2020.


The question is:


  • No Order received from
  • No Job hiring on Upwork, freelancer, and other job marketplaces.
  • Several days passed or 1, or 2 months have passed but “No Order Received”. What’s the mistake?


Well, you have done everything. You have a great professionally looking 100% completed profile with samples.


You’ve tailored the profile with great attractive content.

You have a professional picture, portfolio, and enticing offers.

Yet, there is no Order, even no messages from the buyer.



Here are your major killer mistakes that are related to your profile at those marketplaces.  

  1. No Personal Website to refer to a complete profile portfolio where the buyer could see the previously completed jobs or samples other than your marketplace samples.
  2. Personal Website created on Free Website builders like,, etc.
  3. Social Media profile with non-related, non-professional, and non-serious content.


Let’s talk about these 3 killer mistakes that shouldn’t be repeated in 2020:

I’ve already written on this topic more than once but maybe thousands of new freelancers have missed it or ignored it even after reading my freelancing guides and E-Books.

So if you are new to the Freelancefront blog, please refer to the following freelancing guides from scratch.

  1. Start Freelancing from Zero: Basic Freelancing Guide for Level 1 Freelancers
  2. Step Ahead in Freelancing: Beginners Guide for Level 2 Freelancers
  3. Professional Freelancing: The Ultimate Guide for Level 3 Freelancers
  4. Advance Freelancing Guide for Level 4 Freelancers

Alright, so now I’m going to tell you the reasons and how you can resolve these issues.


No Personal Website to refer to for a complete profile portfolio where the buyer could see the previously completed jobs or samples.  

Let me ask you a simple question.

Would you like to hire someone that has an incomplete profile, no samples to show, no references of previous work and no personal website to showcase the work sample?

Would you be satisfied to pay your hard-earned money to a freelancer that has a poorly written profile overview with a missing picture or without social media profile/page?

95% of people replied with the answerNO”.

So the first thing you should take on high priority is, you should have a professional website for showcasing your work. Not only this, the buyer always wants to know “about you” because he has to pay for the result.

So the buyers must try to hire a professional who has a complete profile on the job marketplace but along with that, they want to know about the freelancer in more detail so they want to see the personal freelancer/company website in order to finalize their decision.


You must have a professionally looking personal website and add its link in your proposal like below:

“Please visit to see more samples and full details about me and my happy clients with 100% feedback.

Website: shahzadbasheer (.) com (don’t use www or HTTP)

webhosting banner

Personal Website created on Free Website builders like,,, etc.

Although many of you may counter this mistake with your arguments I’ve very strong reasons to notify this is a big mistake because I’ve had several examples during my 8-year experience of freelancing.

Why is it a mistake to have a free website on free hosting?

The reasons are:

  • There are millions of freelancers already on the job marketplaces from every part of the world.
  • Also, millions of new freelancers join the job marketplaces every month.
  • So why someone goes to hire you when such a huge crowd is already offering the best services for the cheapest prices?


Literally, you must have something to show and convince the buyers because they have to spend money so they must be interested to know if you are the most suitable freelancer who can generate exact results for them.

So the first thing they want to see is your profile on the job marketplace if they are satisfied then it’s awesome but most of them want to see whether or not have a professional career and this is where a free website address spoils the game.

In today’s world, everyone wants to save time and avoid non-serious results so when they see you come up with a website that is built with free tools like,, and they realize that you are a non-professional freelancer.

Just remember that these free websites allow limited facilities, boundaries for developer, and restrictions for customization so if you pose a website like this and send the URL to the buyer that looks like or it always leave a negative impression so I must say you should avoid this mistake.


Don’t create a Free Website as a Portfolio to showcase your sample and detail about you.

You can buy cheap web hosting with your own name or your company name domain for a little investment but that would increase the chances of new orders and hiring.

If you are interested, just click the link below and get the web hosting package for 1 year with a 50% discount.

Get Fast and reliable hosting for a 50% discount



Social Media profile with non-related, non-serious content.  

This is the most common reason for failure to get an order or get hired.

  • My question is How a Professional Freelancer should looks like?

Having said that, half the battle is won if you look like the character. If you are a freelancer and want to get orders from any marketplace, you must look like a professional freelancer. I daily reply to many users on Facebook with the same question.

They ask me the same question and I see the same mistake in their social media profiles.

Honestly, you tell me is social media not a source of communication?

Did you not add your social media accounts to the job marketplace profiles?

If I’m not wrong, many marketplaces force you to link your social media, especially your Facebook account to your profile.

The big mistake is, when the buyers go to see your social media and they see non-professional material like political posters, movie posts, illegal software download links, sale purchases of reviews and feedback interest, buying or selling traffic or audience, cartoon Pics, non-serious replies to the serious professional questions and lots more mistakes, they just move back to find another professional and you lose a client that could be a great earning source or career maker for you.

This is a dangerous mistake in freelancing that kills the freelancers before they start their careers. I regularly ask people to avoid adding non-serious and non-professional content to their social media profiles but this is still a big reason for failure.


You must look like a serious and professional freelancer to get orders at Fiverr and get hired on Upwork

  • Just clean your website by deleting all irrelevant content like posts, pictures, links, banners, and videos.
  • Your profile should have relevant stuff that explains your ability in whatever niche/category you are in.
  • You should have relevant posts with links to your personal websites.
  • You should have videos with links to your youtube channel or your website.
  • You should have samples with good content.
  • On the whole, your profile should look like a serious professional and skilled freelancer.

So if you want to become a successful freelancer with quick trusted orders and hiring messages, you should avoid these 3 killer mistakes in 2020.

If you have any questions regarding web hosting or website development, feel free to contact me.



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