4 Powerful Content Writing Tools for Freelance Writers 2020 – FreelanceFront


Learn about Top content writing tools.

Freelance writing has become a popular activity for people worldwide.

You don’t have to be a certain age to become a successful freelance writer.


As long as you enjoy writing articles on different topics and are committed to earning your income from this activity, you will succeed.

Freelancing has grown as a career choice thanks to the liberty it offers in terms of schedule and type of work.

But, becoming a freelance writer requires a lot of organization.


The clients’ deadlines are very strict, and the last thing you would want is to fail them.

Thus, you will need some tools to help you with your writing process.

This article will give you more details on four of the best tools that any freelance writer can easily use to make their life easier.


No client wants to receive a piece of content that contains different grammar or spelling mistakes.

Therefore, you will need a tool to help you with your proofreading process in a professional way.

Grammarly is a useful tool for grammar and spelling checking.

You can start with the free subscription and use it to identify significant grammar and spelling mistakes.

If you go for this option, you should also check the text yourself a couple of times before delivering it to the client.


The paid subscription comes with additional features that will simplify your life even more.

If you opt for this version, the tool will check your text thoroughly.

The paid package comes with vocabulary enhancement, sentence structure check, punctuation, and style.

Apart from significant grammar and spelling mistakes, Grammarly will come up with a suggestion to improve your readability score.

Also, it has an additional feature that checks your content for plagiarism.

Therefore, you will make sure that your text is unique and meets your client’s expectations.

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It doesn’t matter what niche you decided to write your content.

You will need to deliver a comprehensive piece of content to your clients and show them that you are a reliable freelance writer.

Any type of audience should be able to understand any blog post that you produce or product description that you have written.

Not all readers have the necessary knowledge to understand specific information.

Therefore, when your clients’ target audience starts reading the text, they should immediately catch the main idea and don’t feel lost in phrases without a clear meaning.


Hemmingway App is one popular tool that many bloggers and writers use to check their texts for readability.

Many top sites use this tool to make sure that they reach a good readability score and improve their writing style permanently.

The way this app works is straightforward.

After scanning the text, it offers suggestions for those phrases where the writer has used too many adverbs or passive voice.

Furthermore, it helps you refine your style and shows what readability score you have achieved.

Besides, once you are done with the revision, you can easily export the file in a .html or markdown format.

One of the strongest requirements that any client has for the freelance writer he decides to work with is to deliver a text that is 100% unique.

No client will tolerate any percentage of plagiarism in the content they want to publish online.

Everyone knows how much a business can be affected in the case of plagiarism. The most devastating consequence a business owner has to face in the case of “plagiarism” is to have the website removed from search engine results.

So, this is why clients are very radical when it comes to plagiarism.


Also, a “freelance writer” who doesn’t pay attention to this requirement and delivers a “piece of content” with plagiarism will lose his credibility and reputation.

Thus, you should play on the safe side and use a tool that identifies any sign of plagiarism in your text before delivering it to the client.

Plagtracker is a useful tool that helps writers produce unique content.

The tool will immediately detect any copied content. Besides, PlagTracker has a specialized team that freelance writers can contact to ask for writing and editing assistance.

Thus, it will become easier for any writer to create original content and meet their client’s requirements.

A professional attitude towards writing will help any freelance writer build a robust portfolio of works and build long-term relationships with his clients.

When you work on various projects is very easy to miss deadlines and disappoint your clients.

Apart from writing tools, any freelance writer also needs a tool to help him or her stay organized.

Basecamp is a project management system that can help you keep track of all your projects and ensure that you keep your clients satisfied.

It is very intuitive, and it makes your life easier by keeping all your work in one place.

After you log in, you will see the dashboard containing all your projects.

You can separate your tasks based on difficulty level, urgency, or topics.

You can also create a “to-do list” to make sure that you have permanent access to all you have to do for each client.

Once you have completed one task, you can check it off your list.

Thus, it will become easier to track your progress and make sure that you build your image as a reliable freelance writer.


The tools mentioned above will get a lot of stress off any freelance writer’s shoulders.

They will help you check your texts’ grammar, ensure high readability scores, and keep your projects appropriately organized.

Thus, you will be able to concentrate your efforts on brainstorming ideas and producing engaging content that will amaze your clients.

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