How to Improve Your Natural Referencing (SEO Company) 2020 – FreelanceFront


What is natural referencing?

“SEO” is an essential aspect for the visibility of your business because you want people to easily find your business, your products, or your services.

For internet marketers, this is the best way to attract new prospects to your conversion funnel when they don’t yet know your brand.


If you do not optimize your website for research, you spoil the potential of your content, you miss some readers and therefore lose customers!

Note that Internet users only watch the first results.

If your website appears on page 2 or more, you will have no visitors…

So how do you get your page to the front page of search results?

First of all, your content must be hyper-qualitative.

The goal is not to deceive Google and its algorithms.

Two methods used by Google to assess the quality of content are its length and freshness.

Well-documented content of at least 2,000 words impresses Google and gives you a place in search engine results pages (called SERP for “Search Engine Result Page “).

Updating your website regularly with fresh content is also an important factor.

A good rule of thumb is to post new content at least once a week to avoid being out of date in the eyes of Google.


Now that we’ve shown that you need good, fresh, regularly published content, here are four tips to quickly boost your SEO:

  • Choose your keywords carefully
  • Work on your title tags
  • Write your meta description
  • Make links to your sit


  1. Choose your keywords carefully


Keywords (simple words or short phrases used in search queries) are an important part of a good SEO strategy, although optimizing keywords alone is not enough to improve the positioning of a website.

If you don’t have quality content to build on first, it doesn’t matter how many keywords you use.

Keywords are useful in determining what to write on your pages. With keyword research, you will find out which words are likely to drive traffic to your website.


Build all your content from these keywords. Don’t just sprinkle them on pages that don’t interest anyone.

The Google Keyword Planner or the sites are great resources to get you started.


  1. Work on your title tags


Next tip: the HTML title tag or “meta title “. It must be exactly the title of your blog.


The title tag is the title that appears in search results, which can be found in the tab of the page of your browser, and when you share your page on social networks.

This is essential for SEO, but also the user experience.


Make sure the title tags are precise and concise

An ideal title is between 50 and 60 characters long and contains your keywords, if possible at the beginning of the text.

Finally, resist the urge to reuse the same title for multiple pages on your website or you will be penalized by Google.

If you have two pages with similar content, combine them into one page or get creative and differentiate the content, including title tags.


  1. Write your Meta description


 Another smart way to improve your SEO is to write a relevant Meta description that will appear as an extract under the title of your page in the SERPs.

This snippet is simply a summary of your page so that users can preview your content.


If Google decides that your description is relevant to the user’s query, the meta description will be displayed as an extract with a summary of the page under the title tag.

Please note that if you do not write your description, Google will automatically display an extract from the content of your page.


Always use your main keywords in your meta description so that these words are bolded by the search engine in the extract.

It is an effective way of drawing user attention to your keywords, which will result in a higher clickthrough rate on your results. We are talking about CTR (Click Through Rate).


  1. Make links to your site


The final SEO advice is to include internal and external links on your website.

Your site link is placed on your contact us page or inside the article.

Internal links (or internal mesh) allow users to navigate transparently across your entire website.


The external link is the one that directs users to a different external domain, it is a powerful lever when used correctly.

The content of an external link must be of good quality, well documented, and correspond to a respected site.

Sounds easy enough, but don’t go too far with the links. If in doubt, use an SEO agency.


Google divides the value of these links by the number of links on the page, which means that the value of one link among others is diluted.

So even if the links are valuable for SEO, be wise in showing Google only relevant and good-quality links.


Now that you know how to improve your SEO, start using these strategies today to create good-quality content and drive traffic to your website through research.

To create amazing content that we can all easily find!

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