3 AI Productivity Tools That Online Business Owners Should Know About


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AI is booming and there has been an explosion of AI productivity tools for online business owners – but which are genuinely worth investing in?


In this article I wanted to let you know about 3 tools I use which use AI to dramatically increase my productivity levels.

Those tools are…

  1. The Marketing Magic App – for writing sales copy and creating an entire funnel in minutes
  2. Frase – for writing blog pots that outrank the articles currently on the first page of Google search results!
  3. Smarter Queue – for generating, repurposing and recycling social media content to keep your feeds full and engaged.

Let’s dig into them in a little more detail….


1. The Marketing Magic App

This was actually created by a friend of mine and I was one of the earliest beta testers. I have been pretty astounded from how it has grown from a simple spreadsheet to an advanced desktop app which integrates with both Google Drive and Notion. It will soon be available as a mobile based app too!

The Marketing Magic App essentially takes a paragraph of your own content and analyses your tone, style and voice.

You can then feed it with a few basic details about your products, niche or your audience and then ask it to create content on your behalf – in your own style.


You could have your entire funnel first draft mapped out in a matter of minutes then send it to your Notion/G Drive account so that it’s ready to work with.

The Marketing Magic App can currently help you to…

  • write your welcome, warm up email sequence
  • write your sales page copy
  • write your sales emails
  • write your onboarding sequence (for when someone purchases something from you.)
  • create your affiliate assets e.g. email and social media swipe copy
  • create blog post outlines
  • write social media captions
  • create optimised descriptions of your products for your digital product store
  • edit and repurpose your video/podcast transcripts into content you can use on social media or for blog posts and emails.
  • …and more!

Whilst I still think it’s worth editing your copy to add a few personal anecdotes etc, with this tool in your back pocket you will never have to write a sales email or sales page from scratch!

mockup of marketing magic app

** Please note the Marketing Magic app is changing from a lifetime subscription to annual fee so i recommend checking it out before 31st July 2023 when that happens! It’ll still be great value but right now, it’s incredible value!

2. Frase

Frase is an AI tool I have been using for some time to help me write better blog posts that rank higher on search engines.

That means more organic traffic from the likes of Google, Yahoo etc

You can create a document using Frase and ask it to help you optimise the article for a specific keyword (or several.)

Frase scans the web and works out what content is currently ranking and what sort of keywords and content they are using.

It then gives you prompts as you write and scores you against your competitors until you have an article which is fully optimised to rank well on search engines.

And it’s not just looking at simple things such as the main keywords people are targeting but it’s also looking at LSI keywords.

These are the words we commonly associate with the topic.

So for example if a travel blogger was writing an article about a Paris itinerary, LSI keywords might be Eiffel Tower, Louvre museum etc

They are words you would expect to see in an article about exploring Paris and therefore by missing any of these out, your article may be deemed as being a bit flimsy.

You want to pack in plenty of LSI keywords alongside the phrase you want to rank for and plenty of related keyword phrases.

Frase is the best way to find those keywords and help you cover all of them.

Frase also has an option to upgrade to access their AI writer which will also help you to write entire sections of your article.

3. Smarter Queue

I was a big fan of Smarter Queue long before they introduced AI.

It’s great for people who don’t really love social media and so want to be as hands off as they can be.

With Smarter Queue, you add content to a queue and it recycles your content when it runs out of things to share.

This means that if you like to batch work, you could fill your social media queue with lots of content then set it to recycle what’s included and then take a complete step back from social media, knowing your feeds are sorted for the forseeable future!

But now Smarter Queue has gotten even smarter and you can use AI to generate new content or to repurpose existing content.

Say you want to share a blog post but you want to use a slightly different intro each time so that it doesn’t get stale when you recycle it.

With Smarter Queue AI tool you can ask it to generate more descriptions so that you can create multiple completely different posts from the same piece of content.

You can even tell it what style to write in (I like conversational) and whether or not to use emojis!

This means you can recycle your content more often without anyone noticing and therefore spend a LOT less time on social media.

And that sounds pretty good to me!

Are you using any of these AI productivity tools? Are there any others I should check out?! If so, let me know in the comments!

Here are those links again if you need them…

  1. The Marketing Magic App (remember the price is increasing on 31st July)
  2. Frase
  3. Smarter Queue

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